

AI-Driven Idea Development Platform
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The community submitted 3 reviews to tell us what they like about FikraHub, what FikraHub can do better, and more.
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3 Reviews
Omar Annous

Founder & Leadership

1 review
In a world with ever growing importance on Innovation, a gap resided in the availability of an enablement tool that could assist would-be founders and entrepreneurs to quickly ideate new business ideas, but more importantly translate those ideas from a thought into a reality quickly. Enter FikraHub, an AI powered tool engineered to fill this gap. Using the tool allows ideas to be dissected and subsequently analyzed in mere minutes. This coupled with functionality on the horizon related to translating those ideas into prototypes, MVP's, sites to test, even supplemented further with branding support and others - makes Fikra unique particularly its ability to spit out outputs in Arabic as well as English. Would-be entrepreneurs and founders now have a tool to experiment with, to provide the foundations for testing their business on. Soon, many would be founders will become true founders!
Pratik Dave


1 review
Navigating ideas through actionable outcomes were great to start with esp. creating lean canvas & user personas. Covers important aspects from ideating the concept to taking it through launch. The speed & accuracy were rightly balanced. +1 for supporting regional language & its just 1-click translate! What I would love to see is the user journey mapping in the “Concepts”. Further, democratising the control of prompts to the users will be a game changer.
Tony Paglioccco


1 review
amazingly intuitive and efficient