
The app which helps with healthy habits🍎 Using science to better your wellbeing💆🏽‍♂️ Available on Android & iOS #EverydayFabulous 📩hello@thefabulous.co
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The community submitted 19 reviews to tell us what they like about Fabulous, what Fabulous can do better, and more.
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4.7/5All time (1 review)
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19 Reviews
Mar Orrego Serna
Mindset and Accountability coach
6 reviews
I love this app and how it prompts you to start small and slowly build up!
Kate Pletneva

Marketing at SEMrush

5 reviews
Recommended this product

What an awesome little app! I've been using it on Android for a week now and I'm loving it so far! My morning routine has definitely become much better, the morning reminders help me keep on track and I love the scientific approach and insights from behavioral science. Great job!

Arman Nobari
Designer, artist, humanitarian.
1 review
Does not recommend this product

I appreciate what Fabulous is trying to do, and I think this direction is actually really interesting. However, bundling "you agree to our TOS by continuing" with the CTA for setting a wake-up time, or using weirdly-worded false choice options ("Yes I want to succeed" for enabling notifications) inherently makes me distrust the intentions and motivations of the app. It feels psychologically manipulative in an opaque way, whereas something like this should - in my opinion - edge towards transparency.

I'm indie software developer
3 reviews
Does not recommend this product

Was using it on Android, and now on iOS.

Assel Zh
Assel Zh
Product manager
4 reviews
Recommended this product


Just went through some habit apps and yours is so much better than any other I've tried. I like your on-boarding so I don't miss any feature.

UX/UI design looks cool. Actually everything is perfect.

But. As it was mentioned above sometimes it looks a little bit creepy, so it's only my perception, I can't explain rational reasons.

The Sphere part is confusing. I don't like when the product has another product. I want to install an app that I can fully use and don't want to think that I have no access to some of it's additional features.

And the part '' writing commitment contract'' freaks me out, I've never tried it, as it looks creepy.

I like the idea of having strong community and being a part of it. But I think for me (I'm writing this review after 1 hour of using it) it was too energy consuming to go though everything and reading all the text and so on.

Kevin Chu
Kevin Chu
tech lover and marketer
2 reviews
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Have been using this for a bit now, and it's been terrific in helping me stay focused and relaxed. I love the guided sessions called "make me fabulous!"

Desirai Sweder
Product Manager
1 review
Does not recommend this product

The app gets annoying with its constant (and noisy) notifications and the company seems more like a carnival - bright lights, noises and shiny things that distract you from the creepy guy taking your money at the door.

Questionable Subscription and Privacy policy practices - they seem more driven to keep you clicking then properly follow GDPR privacy policy standards by bundling multiple actions into one and using unclear language as Arman pointed out. It feels like they are using their behavioural psych background to manipulate.

Would definitely not recommend - their subscription models are shady, their customer support policies questionable and I think that attitude is subtly repeated throughout the application

Inna S
Inna S
2 reviews
Recommended this product
Review of The Fabulous

Create rituals to build up healthy habits. It has different programs that help you work on specific habits. It's an immersive program that invites you to become a better person.

Used for more than a year and at some point found the concept of rituals a little too imposing.

Haneef Ghanim
Cofounder & CTO, Pastel
6 reviews
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Elizabeth Guerra
1 review
Recommended this product

A habit coach with amazing guidance. Like a great friend that reminds you how good it feels to reach your goals and how to get back up when you fall.
