Save money and pay off debt, all without thinking about it. Try Digit free for 30 days. Digit automates your savings so you don't have to think about it. Need a hand with something? Find us @digitsupport
Penny was a personal finance app that helps you track your income and spending. Whenever you chatted with Penny, she shared important and fun information about your finances with you.
Understand your finances better with Spendee, the FREE budgeting app that tracks your spending, optimizes your budget and helps you save money. Spendee will help you track your money (both expenses and income) automatically through bank sync or manually so that you can analyze, organize and budget them for the future. You can invite others to manage your shared family or household budgets.
Manage all your subscriptions through one single dashboard : cancel unwanted services in one click, pause them for a period, be notified when they are about to be renewed or when prices increase, find cheaper alternatives, and get rid of ALL admin tasks. (french only - US version in pipeline)
Set your Accounting on Autopilot with just few clicks. PayPal to Accounting will create Sales records, record fees as expenses, post refunds, match Transfers to Deposits and more. We also record such details that PayPal does not provide in their own feed – tax amounts, shipping and insurance collected.