
Redefining customer care, 24/7
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What do people think of Echo?

The community submitted 4 reviews to tell us what they like about Echo, what Echo can do better, and more.
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4 Reviews
Aneel Ansari
I am a developer
3 reviews
Watched the video, it is smooth and to the point. This AI product has the potential to help firms in their support model. I particularly like the idea of feed in the company information and merchandise and let the support bot handle the rest. Way to go team!

Eguakun Osakhare
I am a creative product designer
3 reviews
Awesome Product. This is great

Sharuq Masood Malik
Tech and innovation enthusiast.
2 reviews
Echo's launch on Product Hunt is a game-changer for customer support! 🌟 Congratulations @qasimasalam and the team for transforming customer service in such an innovative way. 🚀 Super excited!

Isidoro Lapidot

Indie maker at Easy Sell AI

8 reviews
This is so cool and will save businesses so much money on customer service agents! Congrats on the launch :) Quick question: Can you customize the voice of the customer service agent?