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The community submitted 24 reviews to tell us what they like about Drops, what Drops can do better, and more.
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4.9/5All time (2 reviews)
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24 Reviews
Deron D
Founder of ambience.LIFE web-based app
10 reviews
I LOVE this app. I've used it for a few years and it has a quite effect and fun manner of teaching memorization. It also is compelling to participate often for badges and streaks.

Ruslan Peshchuk
Java Software Engineer
2 reviews
It's very easy to learn new words using this app!

Nicholas Babaian
Co-founder of Framee
2 reviews
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Review of Drops

I've tried any language learning app I could my hands on, but this is really the one I've benefitted from the most. Have a subscription, and it's totally worth it.


Benjamin Ambalong Jr
1 review
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Review of Drops

great job on this. do you guys have this on android? would love to see how it works on my phone


Kyle Malinda-White
PM, 99.co
1 review
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Review of Drops

I've tried multiple language learning apps but Drops is the one I keep coming back to. In 5 minutes, you learn a few new words, brush up some old ones, and learn through association by dragging words to photos.

Not cared much for the AR feature (have always thought it was more of a gimmick and not as useful) but I love how the word's audio comes on when a user inputs their answer, which replaces the "ding" sound whenever a user gets the word correct. It makes sense, it reinforces knowledge, and I remember the word because I'm an aural learner.

In a world of negative feedback loops, this one has a lot of positive reinforcement and I absolutely love it.


Zsolt Bako
Co-founder, Colabs Startup Center
3 reviews
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Chongkal Seng
1 review
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Review of Drops

Taylor Nieman
Co-Founder and CEO of Toucan
20 reviews
Does not recommend this product
Review of Language Drops

itypin gina
1 review
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Angelica Limgenco Serenio
1 review
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Review of Drops

ill get back to you after a few days
