Dot by New Computer

Dot by New Computer

The AI that grows with you
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What is Dot by New Computer?
Dot is the first personal AI designed to truly understand you. More than just an app, Dot is your dedicated guide. Designed to be empathetic and emotionally intelligent, Dot acts as your friend, companion, and confidant. Whether you're seeking career advice, date spot recommendations, or a thoughtful ear for life's challenges, Dot is there to offer personalized guidance to help you become your best self.
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Multilingual Speech-to-Text API with Near-Human Accuracy

Recent launches

Dot by New Computer
Dot is the first personal AI designed to truly understand you. With its infinite long-term memory, Dot learns your preferences over time, observing both what is said and unsaid to build a rich picture of who you are.

Now available for iOS.
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The operating systems of today are not keeping pace with the evolving complexity of our digital worlds. Dot is the first step we are taking towards this future. One where your computer is a curator of content that matters to you, a collaborator in thought.
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