Been testing this for a while, and can whole-heartedly endorse it. The only way to listen to music!
Not sure why the library syncing and "importing" is necessary, and I'm really not sure why it takes a minute or so to do it every time. Other audio apps that have access to the music library don't seem to have to do that, and they can access iTunes purchases as well. On initial launch, it took a couple hours to import everything. Besides the interface, there isn't very much difference between this and the Music app. In fact, it doesn't even do as much as the Music app, because it doesn't have an album view, only artists. I see no reason to recommend this to anyone.
This is really great for anyone bothered by Apple Music's fragmented experience, hoping for iPad version one day ;)
Really easy user interface. This is important, I think. I'm using it for very long time and can say, that this is a good product and I can recommend it to a friend of mine.