Deleting social networking, news or chat apps does not have to be the solution for you to keep you focused on your work. When you need to get a task done, open the Donut Dog App, select how long you want to focus and start being productive. The donut machine generates donuts as long as you keep on focusing. If you change or close the app the machine will stop and the session will end.
✧ tray is an alternative to tools like Linktree, ContactInBio, or Campsite. In addition to links, tray lets you add freeform text and nested pages – all for free! there's no "pro" version of tray – all features are made for everyone. ✧
Use Today app to organize your tasks and lists for your targets and projects. You can manage your days by using agenda feature to check your progress and plan future.
Do you ever feel overwhelmed by a project? And instead of starting it, you procrastinate? Powerhour is here to help. It helps you organise your project into smaller and achievable milestones and turns them into a game.
MonkeyMind is a list that lives in your Mac’s Menu Bar. If you’re working and something pops up in your mind: hit the shortcut, quickly add it, and get back to work.
It's a heavily gamified productivity app that rewards you for not using your phone. Fight distractions and be 101% productive. Fight phone addiction. With your phone.
Adjenda lets you send todos like messages. We call it a todo messenger and it is as easy to use as any other text messenger. Instead of sending a text, you send a todo form with all relevant todo information (What to do, When and Where).