Tettra is an AI powered knowledge management system that lets you:
1. Curate important company information into a knowledge base
2. Instantly answer team questions in Slack via an AI powered bot
3. Keep your knowledge up-to-date and organized with automation
Stack Overflow is an open community for anyone that codes. We help you get answers to your toughest coding questions, share knowledge with your coworkers in private, and find your next dream job.
Ponicode DogString automatically adds docstrings to all undocumented Python code - essentially explaining its behaviour using human language. This AI-based tech is available as a Github Action and on our interactive playground. Let us know what you think!
Share documents with voice and video narration - So your message comes through loud and clear. Contact us through our live chat and let us know you found us on PRODUCT HUNT and we'll give you a year for free (valid for the month of Feb).
Trelent writes documentation for your code, so that you don't have to. Save up to an hour a day writing docs, so you can focus on what you do best: building products. Supported languages: - C# - Java - JavaScript - Python
All-About-Docs allows you, the content owner, to retain control of your intellectual property even after you share your documents with others. Have the peace of mind that your files will not be distributed or printed without your permission.