The best alternatives to are CodeSee, AI Code Reviewer, and Code-GPT. If these 3 options don't work for you, we've listed a few more alternatives below.
Maps are auto-generated, self-updating code diagrams. They sync your codebase as code evolves. With features to help you understand how files and folders are connected, see how code changes fit into the larger architecture, and more.
AI reviews your code. If there is something wrong with your code, AI will let you know. If you have any questions, you can also ask the AI directly from the button in the lower right corner. Get the best code!
Wasps is an AI code review tool in your IDE that helps you with context-aware review feedback as you write your code. It's like Grammarly, but for code. Created by the Gitsecure team, it makes your development workflow more efficient and enjoyable.
Programming on mobile App. SCode Studio is a mobile coding IDE and platform (Compiler for mobile), Where you can run your projects. Now you code anytime, anywhere and on the go.