Awesome, thank you very much for the free template I just cloned to my own Notion workspace. I appreciate you paying it forward and offering your experience in a digestible format to the rest of us for free and in a way I can have in my own workspace (nothing annoys me more than not having the duplicate button at the top, meaning I have to refer back to the same impossible to remember or find in bookmarks URL). I am all about not learning lessons learned in blood for myself where I don't have to, at least now that I am an adult, so getting the amrita (nectar) of your hard won experience is itself a boon even if not in a form I can convert to markdown/html and use without clogging my adblocker logs with failed ping-backs from some JS script that is part of notion that tries phoning home multiple dozens of times a minute. Thanks a lot keep up the r a d i c a l work.