I've used Dialog to host a design call with a friend where we just shoot the shit about a product we both use. Unlike a Twitter conversation, it's focused and free-flowing, and doesn't require a lot of setup. Tuning in to Dialog calls is super interesting as an experience because it feels - unless you raise your hand to participate in the call - like you have this inside track to an otherwise private conversation!
My friends and I have thought about starting a podcast forever and never did anything about it. Dialog is the first platform that made us at least take an initial crack at it without making it feel like a mountain of work. This could be the future of podcasting as we know it!
I've been using Dialog for 3 months now and love what the team are bringing to the market.
I've gotten very good at writing snarky texts over the years, and as fun as this can be, this really isn't the best way to have a conversation. With Dialog you can jump into a conversation with anyone on just about any topic. Usually we don't agree at the beginning of the convo but I've found that we almost always end up learning a lot from each other by the end. A totally different experience then trying to debate someone on Twitter.
Amazing place for you to share your thoughts and stories with live audiences. Dialog is a engaging and welcoming community for people to chat, without worrying about internet toxicity.
So this is the program that I have been testing off and on the past few months. I still have one more dialog available for my sponsorship (I am also willing to do more if any folks are interested). It was initially pretty buggy, but it seems to be running pretty smooth now.
A really good tool as modern social media accessibility combined with old school communication. Sometimes talking things out is just what is needed to have a better understanding of one another and just becoming a better all around human. Things that I know are areas in which I have been working hard at personally.
Not unlike many others as I have grown to learn, I was raised in a broken household where majority of key life issues are easier swept under the rug than discussed. It is still a sore subject and unfortunately, will probably always be.
But I have opened my windows and let the sunshine through and the cross breeze has been pushing out years of stale and stagnant air.
Dialog is a great place to begin. It may seem odd to bare dirty laundry out for the world to hear, but trust me on this. As your mind clears and burdens are lifted, you just feel so much better about yourself. Or at least I certainly do.
So cheers and congrats. To a new day and a new dialog.
Gary Truman
DJ Biggie Boutte
Boogalee Enterprises