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    A modern UI for your complex CRM workflows
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    What do people think of Ctrl?

    The community submitted 18 reviews to tell us what they like about Ctrl, what Ctrl can do better, and more.
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    4.7/5All time (18 reviews)
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    18 Reviews
    Asaf Fybish
    Organic Growth Marketing | B2D/B2B
    2 reviews
    Super useful for sales pro, it makes my entire workflow easier and simple!
    Omer Eldan
    Great product by an amazing team
    Gillian Davies
    1 review
    Great forward thinking company with excellent service .
    Yuanlin Lin
    Founder @ zeabur.com
    22 reviews
    Just got a glimpse of Ctrl, it's exciting to see AI-driven solutions in CRM space. I'm curious, how does the AI tailor the follow-ups? Is it based on previous interactions or does it analyze external factors too? Looking forward to giving it a spin! Congrats on the launch! 🚀
    Aviv Nahum
    Hi Yuanlin! You're spot on with your question about how our AI tailors follow-ups. At its core, our AI platform allows you to determine the context of the communication. For example, you could instruct it to draft a follow-up email using context from @my last email thread and pull relevant pain points from the @CRM/Pain points field. The goal here is to allow you to define what's important for the AI to consider. Once you've drafted a few prompts like this, our system intelligently saves them as templates for you. This helps to automate future communications, saving you time and keeping your messaging consistent. While our current focus is on internal data, we plan to add external data sources over the next few weeks to bring even more value to our users. I'm thrilled you're going to give Ctrl a spin and looking forward to hearing your feedback after you've had a chance to test it out!
    Ariel Fisher
    Customer success
    1 review
    Love it
    Nir Weiner

    Founder & Leadership

    1 review
    An excellent product that has finally been made
    Eran Friendinger
    1 review
    Love it!
    Raz Pines
    Raz Pines
    1 review
    Amazing product!
    Ray Warren
    1 review
    Super excited to see such a great reception to Ctrl's Product Hunt launch, it's been a rewarding journey with an amazing group of people and equally amazing early users. Onwards and upwards 🚀