Refined Twitter improves the Twitter experience by removing cruft and adding useful features. Available for Chrome, Firefox, Opera. Some of the best features are: Embedding linked Instagram photos directly in the tweet, syntax highlighting of code blocks, auto-loads new tweets in the stream if you're scrolled to the top, removes promoted tweets.
Hides the number of favorites, likes, and followers from your feed so you can focus on the content. Download this Chrome extension to experience raw social media.
Create, organize and schedule your Twitter threads simply and easily. Automatically publish your threads by setting a date and time. Enable automatic retweets, set intervals between tweets, and more!
Readme is a purposefully feature-lite Twitter reader designed to show you the tweets you signed up to see. Take back your timeline. No interactions, no Moments, no ads, no trends, think of Readme as a media-rich RSS feed for your Twitter feed. Want to dip into your feed, but not get involved in any threads? Take a glance through Readme.
With all the bad happening in the world, share the good that happened to you today. Vibes is a gentle reminder of our human connection, with content moderated by an automoderator to prevent trolling.
Twitter seems really interested in showing you content they think will be relevant to you. Mostly by adding "someone-you-follow liked" or "someone-you-follow retweeted" tweets in your timeline. Now you can get rid of the clutter.
Minimal and friendly theme for productive social sharing This twitter theme was built to help people be productive with the twitter platform, based on updates in the UI in July of 2019.
Outputter is a distraction-free Twitter app to post tweets and reply to mentions. Features: • No timeline • Posting tweet • Replying to and liking mentions • Notifications for mentions • Replying to your own tweets • Deleting your own tweets • Drafts (In-app)
- Rate & document your past encounters with the police - View how others in the community rated their police encounters - Gain unprecedented insight into how different police departments impact communities
I've packaged a minimalist Twitter Mac client that you might like, still around 2M, It looks a lot more comfortable than the official one, and kills all the clutter and optimizes the OCD experience.
Minimal Theme for Twitter adds an opinionated base layer of styles to clean up the Twitter UI. It also provides extra customization on top to allow you to personalize your Twitter experience. - Control Feed Width - Control Navigation - Zen Mode..and more!