We're actually the developing team behind CryptoAlpaca. The project is inspired by CryptoPunks and CryptoKitties. Yet we find that people will easily get bored with those 1.0 crypto games(CryptoPunks, CryptoKitties, and so on, they're actually virtual goods for trading). Players have very limited things to do inside those game and they'll leave very soon. Yet, we still believe that game will be the killer-app for blockchain. And that's why we build CryptoAlpaca, a 2.0 Crypto Game, a real game with strong gameplay to retain people to play for a long time. People can not only trade alpacas, but also breed, feed, shear wools, release alpacas and play other things inside the game. We're looking forward to push the boundaries of blockchain-based games by our efforts. And in the future, we'll launch several other blockchain-based games. So, stay tuned and let's rock crypto games together!
i like alpaca in general and concept you can breed them and maybe get lucky