Competitors App

Monitor all your competitors' marketing moves
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32 Reviews
Daniel Pirciu

Marketing at Brizy

6 reviews
I’ve used Competitors App a few times at different companies for website and social media analysis, and it’s by far the easiest and most straightforward competitive analysis tool I could find.
Nina Churchill
Global Product Marketing & AI
3 reviews
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Review of Competitors App
I absolutely love I get all the info I need on changes competitors are making to their websites, PPC campaigns, SEO, etc at a glance. The slack integration makes everything super simple and the recap emails are super helpful.
Jason Kanigan
1 review
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Review of Competitors App
[Disclosure] I received a review copy of about six months ago. It has been a useful tool to keep tabs on the content released from and changes made by a management consulting competitor. The app ensures you're up to date on what your competition is doing. And it does it in a way that doesn't annoy you with unnecessary notifications (that is important for me.) I've enjoyed it and it is a valuable solution.
Ajay Kumar Meher
Qlogix Media
1 review
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Review of Competitors App
Alin B
Alin B
Startups, b2b & marketing
14 reviews
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Review of Competitors App
It doesn't matter if you're running a small business or doing enterprise level marketing, this tool easily gives you an overview of your top competitors and their movements. I find this extremely useful in my SEO projects and not only!
Corina Stirbu
Coffee fueled ☕ Marketing Strategist
1 review
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Review of Competitors App
I completely love! It saves so much time when it comes to competitors analysis and/or showcasing the results to the rest of the team. I definitely recommend it to all the marketers. Keep up the good work, @razvan_girmacea!
Alex Circei
CEO & Co-founder Waydev
44 reviews
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Review of Competitors App
I use the product from over six months; it is an excellent product! Congrats @razvan_girmacea
Yosi Dahan
Co-Founder & CEO @ ProveSource
2 reviews
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Review of Competitors App
Razvan and his team are true pros. The UI is outstanding and their support team is highly responsive.
Just a maker who's curious about magnets
4 reviews
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Review of Competitors App
I've been using the product for more than a month and I'm loving it! Keep up the good work!
Alex Lloro
Managing Director, All Marketing Serv.
8 reviews
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Review of Competitors App
Really cool app. Saves me a lot of time and provides a lot of ideas about what your competitors are doing