Bootstrap Shuffle is a tool to help developers ship faultless projects on time, within a presumed budget and without stress. It maximally accelerates the initial stages of the project so that you have more time and can focus on perfecting the details.
MDBootstrap stands for material design for bootstrap. Or in simple word, a version of bootstrap that inspired with Material Designs. MDBootstrap have hundreds of beautiful components, templates, animations, effects and helpers. Everything fully responsive, compatible with different browsers and it is easy to use.
Hoverify makes inspecting, editing, copying HTML and CSS super easy by just hovering over the element. Pick colors from anywhere on the page and take screenshots.
Pattern Collect is a curated gallery of inspiring patterns & illustrations curated with love and organised in over 40 categories to make hunting for inspiration easy for creatives.
Chamjo is a library that provides you more than 500+ screenshots or patterns of Asia-based apps with search and filter capabilities. It allows you to discover and be inspired by this enormous collection of patterns.
Amino is a free CSS editor that lets you write and apply persistent CSS to any website. Use Amino to experiment with CSS in realtime, style your favorite websites, fix rendering issues—the applications are endless!
Transform your images into unique algorithmic illustrations with Built for designers, content creators and marketers. Use them as feature images for your posts and articles. Perfect as background images for your social media profile or landing pages. Export as vector format even if you start with a low-res image.
A color story is a series of images or videos that follow a particular color palette. A color story uses color deliberately as a visual clue for viewers to look for connections between your pictures, inviting them to create a story in their mind.
CodiMD is the community fork of HackMD. Collaborative real-time editing of Markdown, plus: * Sublime, emacs, and vim editor modes, with night mode option * Slide mode with RevealJS * Host it yourself with one-click deploy to Heroku or Cloudron.
CodeBox is a coding environment with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript editors with a live preview panel to show what the code would look like in the browser. It's cool because it features the same editor used in VS Code and has instant reload!