Coming soon
CodeKidz: AI Odyssey
An AI-powered learning platform with lifelike AI teachers for personalized tutoring, innovative tools for educators, and real-time progress tracking for parents—all in one comprehensive ecosystem.
Matt Urenovich
Logan Hale
Matt Griswold


AI-Native Platform for Educators & Learners
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What is CodeKidz?
An AI-powered learning platform with lifelike AI teachers for personalized tutoring, innovative tools for educators, and real-time progress tracking for parents—all in one ecosystem. /🧑‍🏫 Realistic AI teachers for personalized one-on-one learning. /🎮 Gamified courses to spark interest in programming, science and AI. /📊 AI assistants analyze performance, generate reports, and recommend learning. /📚 Automated conversion of traditional materials into online courses.
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Recent launches

Unleash your child's coding potential with CodeKidz! Our AI companions teach Python, boost problem-solving, and fuel creativity. Dive into a world where fun meets education and watch your little ones become #CodeFutureStars!
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