Chat LLaMA (Run Locally, Free + GUI)

Chat LLaMA (Run Locally, Free + GUI)

ChatLLaMA: Your Personal AI Assistant Powered by LoRA!
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What is Chat LLaMA (Run Locally, Free + GUI)?
πŸš€ Introducing ChatLLaMA: Your Personal AI Assistant Powered by LoRA! πŸ€– Chat LLaMA #SFT trained @ 2048 seq. length for 7B, 13B, 30B & Cardi-B. * Trained on pre-release access of the #openAssistant #dataset How to use: > >
Chat LLaMA (Run Locally, Free + GUI) media 1
Chat LLaMA (Run Locally, Free + GUI) media 2
Chat LLaMA (Run Locally, Free + GUI) media 3

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Chat LLaMA
πŸš€ Introducing ChatLLaMA: Your Personal AI Assistant Powered by LoRA! πŸ€– Chat LLaMA #SFT trained @ 2048 seq. length for 7B, 13B, 30B & Cardi-B. * Trained on pre-release access of the #openAssistant #dataset
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