The best alternatives to CalculatorNinjas are Growth Calculators, My SEO Sucks Calculator, and Books Calculator.
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Best alternatives to CalculatorNinjas
  • 50+ fast and easy calculators for marketing and startup metrics, including LTV, CAC, ARR, CSAT, retention rate, and more.
  • Based off of over 18,000+ backlinks that the My SEO Sucks team has built over the past 12 months, we created a FREE proprietary tool that calculates the price of links all over the web. Don’t ever overpay for a backlink again.
  • Set your reading speed and choose how long you want to read daily. ➑️ The calculator will tell you how many books πŸ“š you can read in a lifetime, a year, or a month. The app also recommends best-sellers to motivate you to build a reading habit.