25inch is blow-up doll meets your face. Is it cool or weird to own a 2-foot-tall inflatable replica of yourself? If you think cool, 25inch.me invites you to grab your favorite headshot and upload it for transformation into an adorable, air-filled you.
Petsies makes custom plush stuffed animals of your dog—or cat, horse, pet rat—even chickens! All you do is provide a photo and they'll create a custom-made stuffed animal in your pet's exact likeness.
Cuddle Clones is the company that will create a handmade stuffed copy of your loved pet so you can have the possibility to hug it whenever you want, wherever you are and your pet is not around. If you are a real pet lover you will appreciate the fact that a small amount of the cost of your Cuddle Clone will go for a pet charity.
Add quick doodles, sketches, or scribbles to your home screen with Scribblet! Jot down a note, practice your hand-lettering, create your own home screen comic, doodle over an image, or maybe just draw that cool "S" we all mastered in middle school.
We make it possible for you to take selfies with anyone across the globe, in real time, even though you both are in complete different parts of the world! 1. User registers on the app and adds their friends. 2. They video call each other and the call is always in a landscape mode (split screen). 3. They strike a pose and click! Within a few seconds, our AI technology will identify the person in a photo, accurately segment them and blend them in another photo. Users do not have to do anything manually. We allow people to have photos at places they were not physically present at, in real time!