
Integrate Zendesk with Slack to supercharge customer support
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What do people think of BubbleIQ?

The community submitted 31 reviews to tell us what they like about BubbleIQ, what BubbleIQ can do better, and more.
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31 Reviews
Gabe Johnson
Founder & CTO, Blank Slate Systems
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Review of BubbleIQ

This would have reduced confusion in a couple recent instances in our company because of the heavyweight nature of email. We have a couple people who both watch for support tickets, and we each responded to the customer directly, forgetting to reply-all. Had this been in a chat format, we would have seen what the other was doing and avoided the embarrassment.

Daniel Friedman
Project Manager, IOHK
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Review of BubbleIQ

Very helpful for our Help Desk operation. This product allows us to integrate a worfow between zendesk and Slack very nicely, with lots of options to choose from. Also, the company staff are super helpful and went above and beyond to make things work for us, exactly as we needed.

Matt Sornson

Founder & Leadership at Clearbit

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Review of BubbleIQ
Seth Miller
Co-Founder & CEO @ Rapchat
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Review of BubbleIQ
Lukas Lee Matthews
1 review
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Review of BubbleIQ

Such a great concept and team

Taylor Barnett
Staff Developer Advocate, PlanetScale
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Review of BubbleIQ
Komran Rashidov
Cofounder @Halp
1 review
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Review of BubbleIQ
Jeff LeBrun
Co-founder, Pillsy
2 reviews
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Review of BubbleIQ
Daniel Tracey Holloran
Product Marketing @ New Relic
1 review
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Review of BubbleIQ
Elijah Salberg
12 reviews
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Review of BubbleIQ