Book About Remote Work

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44 Reviews
Aleksandra Spivak
Founder&CEO Remote Helpers Platform
1 review
Review of 6nomads
There are not Product Managers positions.
Simon Kulkov
Lead Product Designer based in Vietnam
4 reviews
Does not recommend this product
Review of 6nomads
Shady service that seem to judge product designers based on their Behance and Dribbble profiles. I guess to to reach the level of your competitors like Toptal and Crossover you could also add hiring based on logical games. Good luck.
Alex Pospekhov
18 reviews
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Review of 6nomads
Great service!!! Will use in our new Latvian startup community! Keep going guys!
Nic Laughter 🤘🏻
Senior Engineer @
1 review
Does not recommend this product
Review of 6nomads
I just got a rejection email because someone probably less technical than me glanced at a couple open-source projects on my GitHub and didn’t like some changes. One comment even specifically taking issue with changes that Apple’s IDE makes with white space (so this person is clearly ignorant of mobile development). If you don’t get someone in there who knows more about software engineering, or at least someone who realizes that a person’s best work might be in hidden repositories, you’re only ever going to have mediocre engineering talent. I’ve been doing this job for >4 years and never once worked for a company that made its repos public so people were able to see my work. Seems like you’re really only interested in people with enough free time to contribute to a bunch of open source projects, which excludes 95% of experienced full time engineers in the States. Anyway, just a little feedback about it. I’m not actively looking for a new job, but figured I’d sign up to see what it was all about. Since now I know that the review is so arbitrary, I definitely won’t be sharing with my communities, and literally just created an account on this platform to share this.
Hrishikesh Pardeshi
Remote work community at Remote Clan
56 reviews
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Evandro Guedes co-founder
3 reviews
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Review of 6nomads
Awesome! Loved the developer task, certainly it will sort developers with laser focus.
Stefan W
Stefan W
Maker,CPO,Go/JS Developer
26 reviews
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Review of 6nomads
1 review
Does not recommend this product
Review of 6nomads
I subscribed in October 2019 and am still waiting for one of their "experts" to contact me in the next 72 hours to finalize my registration...
Nikola Stojic
Developer at Ubuntu Budgie
1 review
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Review of 6nomads
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