The best alternatives to Binger are Popcorn, Taste, and Stamp Social. If these 3 options don't work for you, we've listed a few more alternatives below.
Share your thoughts on Movies & TV with rich content and a community of those that share your undefinable taste. Create Collections, add to your Watchlist and never settle with that show you've binged twice already.
This is a place for browsing and watching movies, made with love by a few developers. We adore movies but finding where to watch them online was usually a hassle. We had been searching for a nicely designed and simple interface for watching movies without the use of torrents yet couldn’t find one… so we made one ourselves.
Ever spent hours fighting with your partner/friends over which movie to watch but can't decide one? This is simply a tinder for movies where you get a list of movie matches based on individuals' interests. Best part? It works with multiple friends as well.