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What do people think of BAZO?

The community submitted 47 reviews to tell us what they like about BAZO, what BAZO can do better, and more.
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47 Reviews
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Review of BAZO
I use Bazo and I highly recommend it. We use it on the website of the American football team to recruit new players, look for sponsors and monitor website visitors. Once, Bazo helped us avoid trouble, just before the match an unwanted organization was looking for our schedule to visit us, thanks to Bazo we were prepared for this visit at 150%. I recommend. Karol Sidorowski, president of the board of Tytani Lublin football team.
Przemyslaw Rudnik
Head of UX/UI Department
11 reviews
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Review of BAZO
Feels very user-friendly, I like the Identification section look and Automations feature. Analytics seems basic, but it's easy to understand and includes core metrics. What makes Bazo special in comparison to another analytic and marketing tools on the market? Is it the price, UX and unique pack of features in one tool?
Przemek Szustak
Dog lover
27 reviews
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Review of BAZO
That's super interesting. How do you identify companies? Is it automated? If so, what about VPNs?
Przemysław Michalczyk
Hej, Przemek z Przemex.
1 review
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Review of BAZO
Korzystam z BAZO od kilku miesięcy. W tym okresie aplikacja umożliwiła mi pozyskanie kliku kluczowych klientów. Jednocześnie zobaczyłem jaki typ kontrahentów potrzebuje moich usług, dzięki temu mogłem nakierować kampanie marketingowe pod dany sektor., pozdrawiam Przemek z Przemex
Jacek Wójcik
Rust and C++ programmer.
1 review
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Review of BAZO
I think this is a whole new level of customer service!
Piotr Marek
1 review
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Review of BAZO
THis product help me a lot in my actions on US market, I can identify publishers who are visiting my websita
Jan Mazurek
IT specialist
28 reviews
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Review of BAZO
Emeka Boris Ama
Data Scientist/ML Engineer
8 reviews
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Review of BAZO
Sergij Lebedyn
2 reviews
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Review of BAZO
Cool piece of software, in the era of personalization definitely worth it
Oleksandr Chornyi
Team leader
1 review
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Review of BAZO