The best alternatives to BarkBuddy are Good Dog, Doglar, and Houndr. If these 3 options don't work for you, we've listed a few more alternatives below.
Connect directly with good breeders, shelters and rescues to find the dog of your dreams. Good Dog makes it simple for people to get dogs from good sources and for reputable breeders, shelters and rescues to put their dogs in good homes.
Everyone needs a hand w/ their dog sometimes. In a city you’re surrounded by neighbours who’d be happy to lend a hand if they knew you needed it. We knock on doors so you don’t have to, connecting you to a shortlist of neighbours who’ve said yes to helping when you ask for it. Get a hand whenever you need it w/o breaking the bank. And help others.
Dogname is the new way for you and your partner to find the perfect name for your pup. Connect with your partner and swipe dog name cards. If you both like the same name, it's a match and is added to your favs 🐶
We aim to be a positive venue, creating better opportunities for improving animal welfare throughout the world. This is a place for groups, people, and communities to come together to help each other.