
Your Personal Search Engine at Work
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What is ayraa?
Meet Ayraa. Your personal search engine and knowledge assistant at work. Ayraa connects with Slack & your web browser to instantly capture & organize everything you do at work. A search & answer bot for your work chat & browsing history.
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Insights by Ayraa
Now, you can query your workplace for Insights - not just summaries! What should I work on? What did I accomplish last week? Any important Slack threads for me? How many hours did I spend in meetings last week? And so much more! Your workplace AGI assistant.
Insights by Ayraa image
Meet Ayraa. Your personal search engine and knowledge assistant at work. Ayraa connects with Slack and your web browser to instantly capture and organizes everything you do at Work. A search and answer bot for your work chat and browsing history.
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