- Can't recognize different activities; it's fine not to recognize between different transportations or running/jogging/walking, but when both walking and transportation aren't recognized from each other, it's a quite annoying and begs to ask, why I wouldn't use just regular active logger instead.
- Can't record the activity correctly; I consider myself lucky, when I had just one honest "What the actual fuck happened here?!"-moments on Moves during the 4 years I have used it. Here, there's been already two in span of the week I have used despite having the phone using the application actively, phone was having access to at least 3G constantly, and the app having constant access to GPS and GPS working correctly.
It's just bugs me, since this seems to be really nice app, offering more detailed information than Moves, yet due unreliability of it, I have to discard it as potential Moves-replacer.
The great thing is that they have developed a feature to import data from the similar Moves app which has now closed down. I tested the Arc app against Gyroscope, Loca and Instant. Arc won hands down on usability and accuracy. And they keep launching new cool features. Two thumbs up!