Pathrise is a career accelerator that helps you build real-world experience, pairs you with an industry leading advisor, teaches you how to crush your interviews, and guarantees you a job or internship.
Apply to millions of jobs on the web in 1-click and autofill job applications with our browser extension. Build a resume using our FREE AI-resume builder. Discover positions that uniquely fit your interests & background, and track your outgoing applications using our website. Spend time preparing for the interview, not applying to jobs.
Specific questions like "Why do you want to work for us?" are common in job applications. Cover letters are boring, long, and too generic to read, and need to be optimized for each company - that's where Eztrackr's Job Application Answer Generator comes in. Feed in job descriptions, and our AI would generate a concise, catchy, and short response for those little text blocks in applications!