Y Combinator is an American seed accelerator launched in March 2005 and was used to launch over 2,000 companies including Dropbox, Airbnb, Stripe, Reddit, Optimizely, Zenefits, Docker, DoorDash, Mixpanel, Heroku.
We fund projects and startups built by ambitious outsiders around the world. We mentor you on fundraising, product-market fit, hiring and more. You keep each other accountable.
We were running through the Y Combinator interview Q's we found online and I thought it'd be best to have us answer them randomly, with a 10 second timer and running for 10 minutes each time - just to add some realism to the simulation. It's coded terribly.
Office Hours Cards is a card deck to help you to prepare for an accelerator pitch, startup presentation or even a demo at a Startup Weekend or Hackathon!