Builder Book

Builder Book

Learn how to build a full stack JS web app from scratch
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What is Builder Book?
Builder Book teaches you how to build a full stack JavaScript web app from scratch. You'll learn the following stack: React, Material-UI, Next, Express, Mongoose, MongoDB as well as APIs for: Google OAuth, Github, AWS SES, MailChimp, Stripe The final app you build is the same one we use to write and sell the book!
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SaaS Boilerplate Book
SaaS Boilerplate Book teaches you to build a production-ready, feature-rich SaaS web app from scratch. At the end of the book, you have a SaaS boilerplate to build any SaaS product. Take your side project to the next level. Pre-order now to get $100 off.
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Builder Book

Builder Book teaches you how to build a full stack JavaScript web app from scratch.

You'll learn the following stack: React, Material-UI, Next, Express, Mongoose, MongoDB

as well as APIs for: Google OAuth, Github, AWS SES, MailChimp, Stripe

The final app you build is the same one we use to write and sell the book!

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