

Free resume builder for modern job seekers
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By employing the best practices and innovative tech, Wozber boosts your chances of landing a better job – completely for free.
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Recent launches

Job Seeker's Guidebook by Wozber

Job Seeker's Guidebook is an online directory of the solutions for the most common problems a job seeker faces: from writing a resume with cover letter to nailing a job interview.

It's in active development, and we're updating it regularly with the job-winning practices gathered from successful job seekers and career experts worldwide.

Job Seeker's Guidebook by Wozber image

Wozber focuses on content and provides the easy way to build a high quality, targeted resume:

- Instantly analyze job ads

- Write your resume and cover letter, step by step

- Follow virtual assistant that will provide all the needed help

- Customize resume design

- Use multilingual resume templates

- Manage resume versions

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