DesignWhiz started as a collection of over 500+ Free Design Tips, booklets, and resources all in one spot and searchable.
Now, with DesignWhiz v2, we’ve grown even bigger. Our platform is no longer just about collecting and sharing resources—it’s about building a vibrant community where designers can collaborate, network, learn, find jobs, share knowledge, and stay consistent in their craft.
Designwhiz is the premier platform for designers—a place to connect, share and elevate their careers. Designers can access everything from design trends to tracking their progress, collaborating with fellow designers, and landing dream jobs.
DesignWhiz is a treasure hub for design-related resources, organized by topic, platform, and author links making them easily searchable.
It provides a wealth of 500 Whizzes for your design journey—articles, books, podcasts, tools, videos, and more.