Eithiriel DeMerè

Customer Experience from Start Up to Enterprise - E-book: Start and scale a modern Voice of Customer program


If you are responsible for launching or improving a Voice of Customer program, this book is for you. In this eBook, you will learn how to grow your CX program in three stages:

Early Stage: Your first CX program

Growth Stage: Taking CX to the next level

Expert Stage: CX as a competitive advantage

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Thanks for hunting the book @nikkielizdemere! At Wootric, we spend a lot of time advising companies on CX strategy and how to take a modern approach to customer feedback. It made sense to me to gather that strategic perspective into an ebook, and I hope you find it useful. Shout out to Wootric leadership including Chief Customer Officer @jesshanghai and head of Customer Success @sarang_bhatt for letting me interview you (ok, mind meld) to capture Wootric’s expertise. And special thanks to my co-author @seancook, whose first-hand experience running CX program analytics at Intuit and PeriscopeData spans every single stage of company growth. Please hit us with your feedback on the book and any CX questions--we’re all ears.
Eithiriel DeMerè
By now you've heard this a million times: "Customer experience is the new competitive battlefield." There is no shortage of companies that are looking to customer feedback to guide their strategy for improving CX. Yet, in early stage companies, the CX champion is often someone in Product or Customer Success--who may or may not be an expert in customer research and analytics. Even in companies that are large enough--or growing fast enough--to have a dedicated Customer Insights role, it isn’t always clear what strategies and tactics will deliver ROI. This new ebook from Wootric provides a simple, much-needed roadmap for building out a modern Voice of Customer program.
Sarang Bhatt
What an awesome project!
Adrienne Barnes
Just got my copy!
Sue Duris
Interesting read.