Pierre Valade

Playground Analytics - Your analytics inspector for iOS

Playground is the easiest way to test your analytics events for iOS. Drag and drop your build into Playground then play with your app directly in the browser, Inspect your tracking events and API calls. You can even share testing sessions with your coworkers!

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Pierre Valade
Another great product for mobile teams crafted by the amazing team @usewaldo . I have been using it to test our Amplitude analytics events for our iOS app Jumbo. It is easy to use and intuitive, saves us so much time to make sure our tracking events are working properly.
Amine Bellakrid
Hello everyone! I’m Amine, the maker of Playground for iOS with the rest of the team here at Waldo. First of all, thanks @pierrevalade for hunting Playground. We’re super excited to be here (again)! We built Waldo because mobile QA is broken. It’s been exciting, tough, weird and fun all at the same time. But during our journey with Waldo, needless to say, we’ve learnt a ton. But as of late one thing has stood out: There was a need for a better way for non-technical people to review their mobile app in real-time. And that’s why we built Playground. Because when you talk about mobile QA and testing, it can get very technical very fast. But there are plenty of non-technical stakeholders involved in the process, and they need just the same amount of reassurance and degree of confidence as the technical bunch. In particular, they need to know that all the analytics and event tracking have been set up correctly. Now, we’re excited to open up Playground to help the mobile/QA/product/data community have complete trust in their analytics setup. (And by the way, it’s free.) Thank you @pierrevalade and @chrismaddern for your continued and unwavering support and advice. The team will standby all day to answer your questions. We’d love to get your feedback and we’re looking forward to improving Playground with you along for the ride. :)
Antoine Martin
Love this! We are going to save so much time, and probably catch errors before we ship them... Thanks again!!! What's on the roadmap?
Amine Bellakrid
Thank you @an21m. We have 3 main things coming up: - Handling ssl certificates - Support real devices - Android.
Pierre Valade

I love how I can see my events trigger in realtime and inspect the payload with ease.


Best way to test your analytics events


Looking forward for the same one in Android

Clément Delangue
Awesome tool. Great job team!
Amine Bellakrid
@clement_delangue Thank you! if yo have any feedbacks please let me know.
Maxime Germain
I really enjoy Playground Analytics - been using it to debug our analytics events for Jour. Been a great experience so far!
Amine Bellakrid
@maximegermain Thanks for all the great feedback during our beta phase!
Hubert Jaouen

This is amazing! Congrats!


The team, the product


I'd love to see more around data collection / event mapping!

Laurent Sigal
Thanks for the feedback! event mapping is definitely an amazing idea that we've had in the back of our heads.
Guillaume Orain

Huge time saver!


This brings the ease of analytics debugging from web to mobile!


Would love to see the Android version!

Driss Baloul

Would love to see if Waldo can aggregate stats on data of other apps out there for comparison purposes and optimized testing.


Another great product delivered by the Waldo team to tackle the highly complex task of app testing. A lot of time saved! Love the design.


Could add some more performance metrics to compare with median stats of other apps out there. Obviously can’t wait for the android version!

@amine_bellakrid actually I have to use it today with my team! Any release date for Android ?
Amine Bellakrid
@rhaivimies we are working on it ;) please let me know if anything else is needed amine [at] waldo.io
Jonathan Widawski
Awesome tool by an awesome team, congrats on the launch @amine_bellakrid 🥳
Jo Johansson
Amazing! Very excited to see this live. Great work :)
Akim Kas
I loved introducing video. Who made it?)
Thomas Owadenko
Great tool. Weired that nobody did it before. Congrats
Vincent Jaouen
@thomas_owadenko Thank you @thomas_owadenko! Let us know if you have any feedback!
Amine Bellakrid
@thomas_owadenko iOS is a real challenge in that regard. Thank you.
Sebastien Lhomme
Great team, great product! Such a needed tool. Congrats on the launch @amine_bellakrid and team!
Amine Bellakrid
Thank you @slhomme. Happy iOS debugging!
Vincent Jaouen
Thanks a lot @slhomme ! We really appreciate!
Francescu Santoni
Really impressed by the quality of the playground. I'm playing with the tests now, what you achieved is awesome, we're considering adding Waldo in our CI! Great job team!!
Vincent Jaouen
Thank you @francescu ! Let us know if we can be of any help!
Amine Bellakrid
@francescu Let's talk about it and make it happen. Thank you for the kind words.
Sofia Quintero
Well done! 💪
Ella Smith-Langridge
Looks awesome! Excited to try it out sometime soon :)
Vincent Jaouen
Thank you @ellasl ! Let us know how we can help!
Lee Gentry
Can't wait to give it a try 👏👏👏
Jonathan Moyal
Great product. Great team. Can't wait to see what's next.
Amine Bellakrid
Thank you @jonathanmoyal! If you have any feedbacks let us know.
Samantha Ulban
Congratulations on the launch! This is a great tool. So excited to what is next