Waldo - Ship your mobile app faster, with fewer bugs
Waldo is the world’s first no-code testing platform that lets anyone create reliable, automated mobile tests without the hassle of scripting. Every time you upload a new version, Waldo automatically replays them against every new version of your app.
Playground Analytics - Your analytics inspector for iOS
Playground is the easiest way to test your analytics events for iOS. Drag and drop your build into Playground then play with your app directly in the browser, Inspect your tracking events and API calls. You can even share testing sessions with your coworkers!
Waldo Android Beta - Deliver mobile UX perfection. Every device, every release.
Waldo allows mobile developers, designers, and product managers to record and monitor user flows. It tests those flows with every new build and reveals any UX differences.
Waldo works with Android and iOS (but this submission is specifically for the Android beta).