Chris Messina

TinaCMS - Open source editing tool-kit for Gatsby and Next.js sites

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Tina is an open-source, editing toolkit for React-based sites — Gatsby & Next.js.
Tina is not a CMS, in the traditional sense. Instead, it gives your site real-time editing abilities. Less of a WordPress experience and more like a Squarespace experience.

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Hi folks 👋 We’re really excited to share TinaCMS with you all. The editing experience of traditional CMSs hasn’t changed much in the last decade or two and we feel that developers need something better to give their clients and teams. We feel we have something truly remarkable for you :) TinaCMS allows you to bake-in editing functionality into your Gatsby and Next.js sites for a live editing experience that's more similar to Squarespace than WordPress. We've open-sourced Tina so developers can use it without restrictions for commercial and personal projects. If you want to get involved with the project and I urge you to get involved with the community. Let us know what you think! ...Bonus points if you can guess what TinaCMS stands for (tip: it’s a “recursive acronym”).
Ben Borgers
@scottgallant Stands for Tina Is Not A CMS?
Nice job @benborgers. Was it too obvious?
Nichlas W. Andersen
Yay! this is amazing :D Can't wait to use this on my next project 😍
Suleiman Leadbitter
This looks amazing and also loving the Napoleon Dynamite reference ;)
Congrats on the launch! Is it possible to combine Tina with another CMS? For example, I want to use Tina to give my authenticated users the ability to edit pages I've created for them, then use another traditional CMS like Ghost to manage my marketing site. Interested in your thoughts @scottgallant
@tela Yes that should work as long as you're using files to store that content. Currently, Tina supports content that's stored in a Git repo (Markdown files, JSON files, etc) but in the future Tina will be able to read/write to other data sources.
Suresh Kumar G
This is amazing Scott. Can't wait to try it out in Hugo. Thanks for building it.
@suresh_kumar_g But did you see my challenge: "...Bonus points if you can guess what TinaCMS stands for (tip: it’s a “recursive acronym”)."
Hunter Becton
I can't wait to use this! I'm working on a new tutorial right now for designing and building a Gatsby site. This would be an awesome feature to include. Also, this should be top 3 on PH.
@hunterbecton great! Ping us on twitter if you want to collaborate
Lee-on Pedahzur
Another great move in the no-code or less-code movement to keep creatives moving faster!
Ellen Choi
Congrats! I've been wanting to use Gatsby and this will definitely be another step towards that.
Hunter Carter
Looks awesome. Love the UI. Any plans for a Vue version?
@school_4_ants Yes! Tina is Javascript core with a think React adapter. We plan to write a Vue one in the coming months too. If this is something you would like to embark on, we could probably assist.
Hunter Carter
@scottgallant That's awesome, glad to hear it. I'm definitely down to help with that. Just point me in a direction.
@school_4_ants You should join the community slack and introduce yourself. We're not quite ready to embark on Vue right now, but we'll reach out on that soon.
Francois Lanthier Nadeau
Nice! @scottgallant knowing you've worked on another solid CMS product (Forestry), I'm curious as to what the thinking behind launching this new one was?
Hey @the_fln, congrats on the launch of Snipcart 3.0 yesterday! We know that the CMS editing experience can be so much better and we're laying the foundation for the future with Tina. You can read more about our reasoning here:
Susi Machalski
(The name & logo! Love it. "Tina, come get some ham.")
Scott Byrne
@evelynmarble Tina, eat. Food. Eat the FOOD!
Joanna Turner
This is awesome!
Pete Collison
This is really cool. Looking forward to working with it.
Charles Sharpe
@scottgallant @tinacms or To whom it may concern, I am upset as the common folk thinks using react or some other JavaScript framework makes life easier for them; rather, it actually makes it more difficult and increases security vulnerabilities and complexity of the website. From my experience, JS should be used less and less nowadays, esp. with HTML5 and CSS's glory of animation and extra quirks. PWA, SPA and JAMstack websites are possible and easier learning curve without all the JS hype. Anyhow, I like the idea of simplifying the content creator and editors experience of this type of idea. I personally would love to see or build one without all the JS boloney and make use of it with a Jekyll base foundation that is solid, esp. when made use in a docker container.