@bentossell Definitely ugly, but I'm more interested in functionality.
The main issue I see right now is that the pricing model doesn't work for me. If I'm going to pay $80/mo for an instagram tool, I better be able to use it on ALL of my accounts.
@rossdcurrie You can still add more accounts in the lower tiers and that would add up to less than $80. The last tier is mostly for brands with lot of followers and analytics for that are quite expensive (like check in analytics at locations, influencers) etc. The middle tier would do for most businesses (and covers almost all essential features). Is there any other product who's pricing you are happy to use? I'd like to have a look and see how we can modify/incorporate those ideas.
@vidarth91@bentossell@vidarth91 Buffer springs to mind. $50/mo and I can manage up to 25 social accounts with up to 5 team members. To be honest, I had to login to Buffer to check what I pay, because I just don't care - it lets me manage them all and outsource to my social media manager, so I don't worry about it. I happily pay whatever manageflitter charges me to manage all my accounts there, too.
I am yet to find a single instagram tool that lets me manage multiple accounts without jacking up the fee for each account I add. Crowdfire is the only one that comes to mind, but it's pretty buggy and I think they try to increase the fee when you add accounts via the web app too. If you want to become as ubiquitous as Buffer, the ability to connect multiple accounts at the same price point would be a major point of difference over all of the other instagram tools popping up, and would encourage agencies and social media bloggers to use and talk about your tool.
Just to reiterate that point - charging extra for multiple accounts just encourages social media bloggers and agencies not to use your tool. These are the people you should be giving it to for free, as they're the ones that are going to write about and recommend it as an amazing tool. At least throw in 5 at each level without jacking up the price.
General Comments:
- Should be able to add as many accounts as I want during trial. You might have reasons for this, but if I can't use it for all my accounts, I'm not going to bother. So when you want to know why I haven't logged in again since the first time, this is why.
- That "UPGRADE ACCOUNT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" button is really distracting. I wish my adblocker hid it. I keep going to click it instead of the search button. Move it to the top of the left panel.
- left panel should be resizable or hideable. All it shows me is the name of the account I'm currently looking at
- confirmation e-mail doesn't send
- when I get it to re-send confirmation and click the link, I get "headers already sent" errors
- I clicked the confirmation link, please stop showing me that really annoying banner across the bottom. I have to hit hide on EVERY SINGLE PAGE
Main page after login:
- Searching for a hashtag ("#germahsepherd") throws an "invalid argument supplied foreach() in /home/stribr/webapps/search_results.php on line 128". So first you need some user friendly error messages, secondly you should probably fix whatever that problem is. Seems to be because I searched for something with # on the front
- Searching by location stuff isn't really relevant to me. I run global brands.
- searching by filter has no relevance to me.
- Had to hit hide on that e-mail confirmation thing again
- I feel like the user search should just return a particular user rather than a list of users.
- the user search provides limited value over the in-built instagram tool
- had to hit hide on e-mail confirmation thing again.
Instagram management is definitely the big thing for this next year, as they start to integrate more Facebook ad functionality.
so I'll be the first to ask: what makes Stribr stand out from the other up and comers?
@thejeremycarson Thanks for the question! We built this tool because we were using too many little tools to accomplish the following tasks on Instagram : 1) Search and monitor hashtags, locations 2) Manage followers (nonfollowers, inactive etc) 3) Analytics 4) Scheduling. So we built a dashboard that did all these things. Try it out and let us know what you think!
Stribr which used to be a location based social media marketing tool has pivoted into a tool to help manage your instagram account. They are launching their public beta today!
Using Stribr, you can search & filter your most important hashtags, locations, geographies on Instagram.Monitor your keywords, hashtags, locations & geographies. Gain deep insights into your followers. Identify interests, influencers, people who don't follow you back, most engaged users etc. View your account analytics & take actions in the same dashboard.
@kwdinc not sure if you seen but Instagram is discontinuing a lot of the support in their api for the type of functionality you've built - something to look into as you progress into the future
@rickats Instagram has deprecated their /self/feed API which does not contribute to the major functionality of our product. We were approved by Instagram 6 months ago (all products have to be re-approved). API based consumer products will be the ones who will be hit the hardest.
Hi, this looks very useful. I am aware that instagram's API has a restriction on the amount of calls one can make. Do you just show as much data as the API allows you to?
Hi @cnikitiadis, yes Instagram has limits set for the various endpoints and we adhere to their policies.
We ration the use of each users access token to make sure you can view as much data as possible. You should ideally never hit any limitations when browsing our hashtag or location streams,. While collecting data for metrics and follower analytics we use a timeout mechanism to fetch all your data, this happens in the background so your normal webapp isn't affected.
Thanks for your reply @chingucha. I believe that it wont work for large accounts or popular hashtags, but will definitely work for hashtags that are not used by thousands of users. Best of luck!
@cnikitiadis For very large hashtags like foodporn, selfie we do have a cap on the posts we analyze for metrics, which varies by the tier of your account. For normal browsing of hashtag/location streams, you should not run into any API limits.
Instagram analytics is the next marketing hotspot. With a little bit of work on the aesthetics part, I think you already have a strong contender here...
@esbvn Right now we have analytics. In a couple of weeks we'll launch scheduling as well. Think of it as Gramfeed + Latergramme + one of the Analytics tools (The good ones are extremely expensive).
@chingucha just scheduling — or posting as well? Just curious, from one Instagram tool to another, we allow posting as well, for thousands of customers, and it works perfectly fine for us, so far, but once you step into this territory (like we did) the new API policy changes (and partly what's been there before) now make it all pretty clear Instagram will not play nice on the long run if you're trying to be a part of the publishing end of things. Sooner or later, they'll want anyone who schedules promotional content to use their ad platform so they can cash in on it. Just curious to hear your thoughts.
Hi Everyone! I'm a co-founder of Stribr. We were using many tools to accomplish small tasks on Instagram. These include things like monitoring, analytics, scheduling and follower management. We decided to build a single dashboard to do all these tasks. Try out the app and let us know what you think!
Cool idea! I don't know much about this space but Stribr could be a good integration for our company. Instagram is a powerful platform if you can channel it correctly and/or monetize your product/brand.
Does the recent Instagram announcement regarding 3rd party apps (http://techcrunch.com/2015/11/17...) impact Stribr? If it does, how do you plan to address it?
@sarthakgrover Just repeating one of my earlier comments here - "Instagram has deprecated their /self/feed API which does not contribute to the major functionality of our product. We were approved by Instagram 6 months ago (all products have to be re-approved). API based consumer products will be the ones who will be hit the hardest."
Really like this product and it's functionality! However, I am having a huge scaling issue on my 4k Lenovo Y50. Is it possible that you get this fixed? Not sure entirely what the problem is, but it makes the app very difficult to use.
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