Richard King

State of Product Marketing report 2020 - A meticulous insight of the views of 2000+ product marketers

There’s a whole host of questions surrounding product marketing, many of which tend to be swept under the carpet. Last year, we lifted the figurative blanket, dusted off the cobwebs, and confronted the skeletons that’d gathered in the product marketing closet.

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Richard King
The last 12-months have provided a rich source of optimism for product marketers. Sure, there’s still a degree of ambiguity surrounding the role, but this needn’t detract from the fact the coveted positive perceptions amongst C-Suiters have improved, with companies devoting time to putting product marketing teams in place in a bid to fulfill short and long-term targets. These developments during the last calendar year represent a sign of progress when compared with our 2019 report, in which the results suggested recognition had perhaps bypassed some product marketers. Members of the product marketing community can take great encouragement in seeing the positive steps during the last year. But, this doesn’t mean there isn’t room for further improvements, particularly given PMMs expressed certain wishes when partaking in our previous survey (like a seat at the leadership table and more investment in PMM strategies), to ensure the importance of their roles were fully appreciated. The following report is a comprehensive analysis, formed to provide an up-to-date picture of how product marketing is regarded in 2020. Global product marketers, with varying degrees of experience and expertise, have provided renewed perspectives, in a bid to gain a definitive understanding of the State of Product Marketing in the modern-day workplace
Geva Telem
As a fellow product marketer this report and the overall activity of Product Marketing Alliance is super important to our industry and development. Kudos Rich.
Richard King
@geva_t Thanks for the support!
Thiago Neres
Excellent report full of useful insights and actionable data.