Ben Tossell

Remote Stories - Anonymous stories from remote workers

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Ben Tossell
Yo! The idea behind this was simple - as a remote worker I wanted to know if other people were experiencing the same things as me... good and bad: - Team calls in my pyjamas - Lonely day-to-days Then I talked with @ayrton and @syswarren about this idea and it has developed into Remote Stories. An anonymous platform for people to post their thoughts, experiences, concerns and opinions. This is a place to see what others are going through, where you can comment back. People can see they are not alone in their experiences as a remote worker. The eventual goal was to put together a guide of "things to consider when being a remote worker".... we just thought this would be a great starting project . Let us know what you think!
Gabriel Lewis
@bentossell 😄😰 Is this like YikYak for remote workers ?
Ben Tossell
@gabriel__lewis yeah, kinda!
Pierre-Marie Galite
Looks really really interesting (not a typo), one thing though, there's only one topic (Remote work). I would've love to talk about something else, choose a topic. But this, is another product like Secret. Question: is there a monitoring system for the quality of the submission you get, or anybody can post everything they want?
Ben Tossell
@tsunaze yeah...this site is supposed to be about one topic only as it is. We see all the submissions and if something is not suitable/offensive/etc we will remove it. Anonymous is a very hard thing to do, to do well, and at scale... but we also felt like having workers feel that they could share their experiences honestly was the best way to go.
Arthur Yeti
@tsunaze I made the same website for Nomads.
Ben Tossell
@atudotio @tsunaze cool - Remote Stories works for nomads too :)
Hugo Fauquenoi
@syswarren 😍🇫🇷
Julie Chabin
@hfauq I'd use the 🌏 flag, it's more appropriate 😅
Hugo Fauquenoi
@syswarren true! specifically praising the design though
Matthieu de Luze
I'm lovin' it 😉 Design is great and I love the idea of writing anything you want about this topic so easily. I can understand why you choose to make it anonymous but I'd like to know what were the main reasons @bentossell @syswarren @ayrton?
Ben Tossell
@matthieudeluze @syswarren @ayrton well I just wanted people to feel like they could be completely honest... If they had to leave their name then it could skew what they said or just make people not want to post
Matthieu de Luze
@bentossell sure, and I think it's a great first step to help improving remote working in general, kind of an open survey.but still I would find a lot of value in knowing who is behind some of the posts, I can see two reasons here: 1. Remote working as a nomad you might want to connect with people that live and work the same places as yours so knowing who is talking might help. 2. If you own a coworking space or a coliving space for example you might want to know who isn't satisfied so you could contact him/her. Maybe afterwards when there will be enough content created or maybe that's another product 😊
Ben Tossell
@matthieudeluze I understand your points but this is how we wanted the site to work... we wanted it anonymous
Kristi E. DePaul
@matthieudeluze there are communities like Workfrom that aren't anonymous that sound like what you're looking for (there's a global Slack community, a blog w/user-generated content, etc.)
Pierre Becerril
@bentossell, nice idea. As a remote worker I relay to a lot of what has been shared already. Remote Stories is kind of a cleaner Subreddit vs.
Ben Tossell
@pierrebecerril thanks - credit to the actual builders @ayrton and @syswarren though.... I just thought of it ha.
Ali Mese
🔥🔥🔥 "I'm lonely and it sucks." 🔥🔥🔥
Ariel Assaraf
Don't look ! @nassaraf
Naomi Assaraf 🔥
@arielassaraf Too late! But I already suspect that my remote employees work half days. I want a VR app where we all work virtually in the same room SO BADLY that I'm going try to build it at @UploadVR in Feb.
Naomi Assaraf 🔥
@arielassaraf It's probably thousands of coding hours, and I bet Google,MS and Slack are already on it, but where is it already?! So, yes-we'll build. All the stuff that @cloudhq_net builds is really for internal use anyways. We just release when we think it's *that* good that everyone should be using it. ✌️📤
Dimo Trifonov
Interesting, however why don't you share your feedback within the organisation so it triggers some changes instead of just complaining in the wild.
Ben Tossell
@denull this is not about having a go at the companies who hire remote workers... This is just a place to highlight and discuss things with other, like minded people. Lots of remote workers love being remote but may struggle feeling lonely every now and then. This is the first step of an experiment to see if there are many of the same things that people are mentioning. Then it could be a step from there to create a guide to helping people deal with some of these issues.
Ali Mahdi
Very interesting. I love how simple and clean the design is.
Ben Tossell
Anthony Stylianou
Great idea...Can definitely relate to some of the content!
Sunny max
great idea after checking with some stories now able to understand other side too..
Shashwat Pradhan
Interesting concept, really love this imagery style too.
David Byttow
This is dope.
Ben Tossell
@davidbyttow Cheers David!
@bentossell, great idea. I can definitely relate with some of the stories.
Kasper Dolk
Love the illustrations!
Sebastien Barrau
Just awesome, just spent over 15 minutes reading and commenting. Now back to work!
Great idea! As many mentioned here, I definitely relate to many of the stories/experiences already shared (both good and bad). @bentossel how do you see/expect the community would evolve? Some relevant content (like articles, podcasts)?
Ben Tossell
@aleks_muse @bentossell honestly we haven't tried to think of the site as a habit-forming product... This was just a little fun side project to see what the response was like. Perhaps people may re-visit the site when facing some of those tougher times in their remote lives
Aniruddha Ingle
Hey, This seems simple and focused. Especially now as our working culture is going through a shift, many new people will relate to this platform. Wishing you all the best. Regards, Aniruddha Ingle.
Mustapha Turki
I always think about an app to socialize, kind of an office ambiance with vocal chat and more... for remote workers feeling lonely
Artur Arseniev
Cool idea! Love the dead-simple design