The biggest remote job board on the web
Remote OK β€” The biggest remote job board on the web

The biggest remote job board on the web with over 25,000 remote work positions for digital nomads, remote workers and people who work from home.

David Parrelli
Looks a lot like Working Nomads (www.workingnomads.co/jobs), which I launched this time last year on Product Hunt. Lots of traction now in the remote space!
@dparrelli Thanks David! Working Nomads is a big one, would love to source that too if you like. Difference is that R|OK tries to index all jobs out there, the opposite of curated.
@dparrelli @levelsio i'm currently driving my team to push for more remote jobs on JOBBOX.io - could be interesting to source from us too. Congrats btw!
@dparrelli @pcbo sure, can you provide me with a json feed?
Jonny Miller
Rad idea. I can see this scaling very quickly!
What a coincidence. I just put together a collection of remote jobs for designers today. @levelsio maybe you can find some additional sources to implement in Remote | OK. It would be cool to have all the high quality job boards in one place. www.producthunt.com/xzarexhc/col... :)
Espree Devora πŸŽ™
Love it, super useful!
Dylan Feltus
Great stuff @levelsio ! Similar concept to Jobscribe (http://www.producthunt.com/posts...) but it isn't hand picked like JS. Guessing it is similar to Working Nomads in terms of being automated and quality. Keep up the great work man!
@dylanfeltus I think most others are curated, R|OK is an aggregator.
There's TOO MANY (remote) job boards. But many of my friends are still unable to find a remote job. Why? Because they don't have the time to look through hundreds of boards for specifically remote jobs. And the remote boards out there are too dispersed. So I built this. Think of it like a search engine for ALL remote jobs out there. It aggregates all remote jobs from lots of different sources and then if you'd like to apply for a job, it links you back to the source. I'll be adding more sources, like @rodolphedutel's Remotive Jobs (http://www.producthunt.com/posts...) and many others. I meet many people that are ready to go, but simply can't cause they're tied to a desk job. I hope this makes it easier for (normal) people to actually go remote. And that'll help my little nomadiv revolution go faster too 😍 β€” as that's become somewhat like my personal mission :)
Γ–zgΓΌr Alaz
@rodolphedutel @levelsio Good luck. It seems very clear.
David McGraw
@rodolphedutel @levelsio Well done! Passed it over to a few buddies who are having trouble keeping up with all of the job boards out there.
Rodolphe Dutel
@levelsio Looking good Pieter, well done on creating an aggregator here! Cool to see an overview :) At Remotive, we'll continue to focus on selected jobs from our Partners (Remote Startups), we're happy to be part of Remoteok.io :)
Ross Currie
@levelsio Hey Pieter, I notice you have "Follow @levelsio" and "By Levels.io" at the bottom-right of your site. Have you ever written about why you brand each site towards yourself rather than towards the project? I have about 5 projects on the go and often debate whether I should brand them back as a "RossDCurrie company" or to develop each brand separately. Would be curious to see your reasoning.
@rossdcurrie It was kind of random at first, but it's definitely helped to lead people back to my blog and from there to my other projects. I think in this zeitgeist people like to follow a story and the building of a product, so it works. Like most of these things, I really didn't plan that at all though, honestly :)
Lewis Lin
Great work! Can you put salary information more prominently in the core feed? It's probably the first criteria I would filter for, and it would save me a click.
Nick Nish

Remote OK is a job board for remote-focused job opportunities.

I've been applying to different companies for the past few months, and it's definitely the best of class of the remote job boards – Solid design, easy-to-use, great job postings.

However, most of the job postings are developer-focused, so if you're not a developer you may not get immediate value.


Great for developer jobs, clean design, no need to signup


As of Jun 2018 not many non-developer jobs

Avi Zuber
Just checking this out now, looks awesome! Since you're pulling in from other sources, is there a way for you to a) take off jobs that are already filled and b) weed out the ones that are not actually remote? I love Working Nomads but once of the issues I faced using it (while searching for a job) was that every now and then I would contact a company and they would tell me the position is not actually remote or that it's remote, but only for the right candidate.
Stefan Ritter
Very cool stuff! Looking forward to see where you take this! Do you reckon this will replace http://nomadjobs.io/ in the future?
Ross Currie
Another great project Pieter - I wish this was around a few years ago when I was nomadding. Though I may send it to my dad, who is stuck in a bit of a rural area.
Great work! Some sort of social signals/curation that give order to the lists would really help.
@levandreessen what about upvotes? Would that work?
Mark Lamb
Why are there engineering roles under Design & UX?...
Jay McCauley
This is pretty cool @levelsio! You said it pulls from multiple sources already, but just from poking around a few minutes I've only seen jobs from Angel List. Maybe I haven't dug deep enough. Also, will there be a way to filter by type of position at all? For non-technical people like me, even though these remote jobs are all in one place now, I still have to sift through most of them to find something relevant to my skill set. Still pretty great though!
@mccauley_jay Yep, I'm adding sources as fast as I can. Angel List is overrepresented because posts there are non-paid. It'll balance out in the future once I add more sources.
Rachel Berry
Well done yet again, @levelsio. Can you explain how the points work and what they represent? Can't seem to find a pattern to them.
@cmrberry Yes, good question! I should make that clearer πŸ˜€ The points are based on salary, equity and popular tags like iOS, Swift, Node. I'll be tweaking the algorithm to score the jobs better.
@cmrberry Added a tooltip now :)
Marcus Karoumi
Great. Levels is back (or he hasn't even left yet)!
@mkaroumi Haha yes, I was a bit busy with growing Nomad List :)
Jonathan Baillie Strong
Good idea.. and hope we see more aggregated services like this - no need to reinvent the wheel!
Thank you- Great information and endless possibilities for searchers
Divyansh Patel
@levelsio Awesome work! it was much needed since long time. This will help a lot of freelancers.