Alyssa X

Omni - The all-in-one tool to supercharge your productivity


With Omni you can use Chrome like a pro. Manage tabs, bookmarks, your browser history, perform all sorts of actions and more with a simple command interface.

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Alyssa X
Hey Product Hunt ๐Ÿ‘‹ Over the holidays I've been thinking about all the time I lose doing menial tasks: finding the right tab in Chrome (I have far too many :P), starting meetings, creating tasks, clearing cookies and cache to help debug problems in websites, looking through my browser history to find a site I forgot about, etc. So I decided to build Omni as a tool to do it all through an omnisearch interface. With just one click (or key press) you can perform any action or browse through all sorts of data in Chrome. No need for your mouse anymore. Here are some of its features: ๐Ÿ—„ Switch, open, close, and search your tabs ๐Ÿ“š Browse and manage your bookmarks ๐Ÿ” Search your browsing history โšก๏ธ 50+ actions to improve your productivity ๐Ÿ”ฎ Special commands to filter and perform more actions ๐Ÿงฉ Integrations with Notion, Figma, Docs, Asana... โŒจ๏ธ Shortcuts for actions such as muting, pinning, bookmarking... โš™๏ธ Advanced settings to help troubleshoot browsing issues ๐ŸŒ™ Dark mode ...and much more - all for free & no sign in needed! The code is available on GitHub if you'd like to contribute to Omni, self-host it, or build your own omnisearch extension.
Alyssa X
@marie_dm_ Thank you Marie! :)
Julie Chabin
@alyssaxuu Once again, Alyssa creates a great product. Good job!
Uladzimir Yankovich
@alyssaxuu It's incredible! Did you do it alone? I'm delighted!
Alyssa X
@yankovichv Thank you! Yes I tend to do it all solo :P
Anna Filou
@alyssaxuu Chrome only? ๐Ÿ˜ญ Firefox please? Would love to give this a go.
Connor Jewiss
This is incredible. Takes one of the best features from many productivity apps, and brings it to the browser. Absolutely needed, and will get using it right away.
Alyssa X
@connorjewiss Thank you Connor!
Connor Jewiss
@alyssaxuu No worries! Can I be cheeky and ask if a Safari version in the works?
Alyssa X
@connorjewiss I'd love to expand to other browsers for sure! Will look into it :)
Sharlene from Bannernote
Thats super helpful, love the product! How big is your team?
Alyssa X
@sharlsz I'm glad to hear! The team is just me, I build all my products solo :)
Alyssa X
@bogomep Technically it shouldn't be hard to do, I will look into it!
Akash Hamirwasia
@bogomep While @alyssaxuu creates a port, you can try my UnTab extension till then ๐Ÿ˜› (also open-source)
Alyssa X
@bogomep I've just ported it over to Firefox, if you want to check it out:
R. Gurung
@alyssaxuu This is amazing as always, I struggled a little with Ctrl+K because in my system (Ubuntu) it was focusing on search bar but changing to Ctrl+Shift+K did the job. Thanks for making it.
Alyssa X
@gurrrrung Thanks! I wasn't sure which shortcut to set for default, there's several websites that can conflict with it (or OSs in your case). Might try to see if there's a better way.
Alyssa X
@shemul Ha but then if Omni used it also it would overlap Figma's search bar :P
Carolina Rio Branco
It was about time! What an amazing product. Congrats to the makers :) Just installed and can't wait to start using.
Alyssa X
@carolina_rio_branco Thanks Carolina!
Erifili Gounari
Impressive as always! :D @alyssaxuu
Alyssa X
@erifili_gounari Thanks Erifili :P
Hey @alyssaxuu congrats on the launch!! Excited to use Omni & see how it makes using my chrome experience better :)
Alyssa X
@sagar_devkate Thank you! :)
Had high expectations based on your previous work and this looks just about as good as it gets. Congrats on launch!
Alyssa X
@ridderingand Thank you so much, I appreciate it! :)
Just installed :) This is awesome! I'm a Notion user so it's great to have a similar style search bar for chrome.
Alyssa X
@hugh_dawkins Glad you like it!
Joseph J. Lam
This looks amazing, @alyssaxuu!! Does Omni have the ability to search folders/files within a synced Google Drive (that isn't already a current tab)? I couldn't find it, and if not, it would be a game-changing feature!
Alyssa X
@joejlam That could be a feature to add in a future release, not possible at the moment though :P
Gibin Michael
@alyssaxuu @joejlam i heard you and built an extension for the same - here you go
Ty Irvine
So creative! Did it take you a while to build or was it a relatively quick project?
Alyssa X
@tyirvine It was quick to build, I just took a while to decide on the direction for it. Initially it was supposed to be a tool to automate tasks in Chrome with macros, but I decided to keep it simple, I'll probably release the automation tool as a separate thing.
Fajar Siddiq
congrats on the launch! just installed! superb
Alyssa X
@fajarsiddiq Thanks Fajar! :)
Adam Davies
Looks awesome ๐ŸŽ‰ Congrats on the launch
Alyssa X
@adammydesign Thank you so much Adam!
Rang Ali
Cool stuff! Congrats on the launch
Alyssa X
@rang Thanks! :)
Wilson Wilson
Another one of the things I didn't know I needed. This is awesome!
Alyssa X
@wilsonsquared Haha appreciate it!
Akash Hamirwasia
Interesting product @alyssaxuu, I built something similar a while back too. Omni looks super neat! ๐Ÿ‘Œ
Kristin Kulpinski
Looks super helpful!
Damon Chen
Instant add to my Chrome โœŒ๏ธ
Pedro Henriques
As someone who loves opening a million tabs, hates closing them, and is in denial about the fact that he can never find the tab he's looking for, I find this very useful! ๐Ÿ˜… Really simple, intuitive, and useful ๐Ÿ‘Œ Thanks for building and sharing!
Alyssa X
@pedrobh Glad to hear you find it useful! :)