Tushar Sapariya

The Longevity Index - Learn how to exercise efficiently for long lasting benefits


The Longevity Index was originally created to pool together ideas and paradigms pertaining to Longevity and Healthspan Maximalism. This app is a distillation of tools and research material around the positions we’ve come to hold. Muscle is our first app.

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Garrett Wesley
I love the video and graphics for the product! I am interested to incorporate this app to my workout routine.
Tushar Sapariya
@garrett_wesley this is great news. Feel free in reading my blog on this: https://thelongevityindex.com/hi... The blog will cover the Theory, Tactics and the Application. If there's any questions then please do let me know and maybe we can arrange some time and I give you a summary of my experience.
Tushar Sapariya
@garrett_wesley Thanks for the positive words btw.
Jason Shen
Just downloaded it today and did my first Big 5 workout. I've been training for 27 years and it was absolutely a tough workout. My only request so far is to help us imperial system folks get by. Can you add lbs in addition to kg as a global setting in the app? Would also be nice if you linked to examples of each exercise and a reminder of how to think about time under tension (the article is good but long and not broken up)
Tushar Sapariya
The Longevity Index was originally created for my wife and I to pool together ideas and paradigms pertaining to Longevity and Healthspan Maximalism. This app is a distillation of tools and research material around the positions we’ve come to hold. ———— Muscle: Muscle is incredibly important to health! When muscle is sufficiently fatigued, a deep stimulus signal is sent. The stimulus signal is not only localised at the muscle level but spreads to multiple sites and systems across the physiology at multiple levels: adipose tissue, liver, pancreas, bones and brain. Deep dive into myokines if you’re really interested. To safely maximise the stimulus we’ve chosen a (1) super slow movement, (2) machine based, (3) where progress is tracked via Time-Under-Tension. The objective is to fatigue muscle within a 60s - 90s time period. 5 exercises should take 10min to complete back to back. Following a workout we recommend not reintroducing the stimulus for the next 7 days - this is called recovery (recovery periods vary between 5 days and uptown 14 days).
Jonas M. B.
@it99ts thanks for this. What nutrition would you recommend with this approach? I’d assume food is still incredibly important for recovery.
Tushar Sapariya
@pastelpad good question. I really think it depends on what you would like to achieve (micro and macro) and where you’re currently at at the moment. For bulking I’d recommend 10% to 20% surplus and for cutting I’d recommend 10% to 20% deficit. I’m not a Keto warrior per se, but I limit my carbs to between 100g to 150g, protein to around 150g per day and the rest of fat (butter, olive oil etc). Please read https://thelongevityindex.com/hi... or Doug McGuff’s book for theory. The biggest lesson I learnt (the hard way) is that I as well as most people have average DNA. Trying to push your physiology too often too hard is the route to injury and long term negative health. Hope that helps - if not DM me and let’s setup a call.
Mahmoud Abdel-Fattah
@it99ts I can't download the Android version! I keep getting "We're sorry, the requested URL was not found on this server."
Tushar Sapariya
thanks so much for the message - we've made a fix so hopefully all ok. @m_abdelfattah