Hiten Shah

GrowthHackers Projects - Growth collaboration software for teams 📈

The fastest growing companies focus on expanding the value their customers receive through testing across the full customer journey, which generally traverse multiple teams.

Coordinating these efforts requires a dedicated system for rapid testing and learning. That’s where GrowthHackers Projects can help.

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Best demo video ever.
Sean Ellis
@travisleestreet Thanks! The video was kind of a scary investment, but 250K views in the first week makes me feel a lot better about it.
Brand Winnie
@travisleestreet Thanks Travis! We had a blast creating it! We were laughing the entire time.
Daniel Kempe
@brandwinnie @travisleestreet Yea, I second that, great video :-)
Sean Ellis
@brandwinnie Awesome job making it happen Brand! Pocketbook.la was a great find.
Sean Ellis
Thanks Hiten! We’re very excited to finally feel like GrowthHackers Projects is worthy of Product Hunt. For those of you who may be curious, the origins of GrowthHackers Projects date back to something I first envisioned when leading growth efforts at Dropbox and Eventbrite. Like other top growth teams we were constantly experimenting and learning new ways to accelerate growth using all of the levers in the AARRR framework. GrowthHackers Projects is the solution I wished existed - and now it does. It allows teams to work together like a well-oiled machine to achieve their growth objectives. Check out the video above and let us know your questions and feedback. As a special offer to Product Hunters, we’re offering a 45 day free trial vs the normal 14 days. Just email success@GrowthHackers.com with subject line "PH 45 Day Trial" to claim this offer. This offer will remain valid until 5pm Pacific September 21st (claim it anytime before that).
Anuj Adhiya
45 day free trial AND no credit card needed - there's simply no need to be on the fence about giving it a shot!
Anuj Adhiya
@seanellis Test pushed to active btw :)
Sean Ellis
@anujadhiya Took a loooonnnng time before it was worthy for Product Hunt! Thanks for your persistence to make it happen.
Anuj Adhiya
@seanellis Never doubted it would get there! 👍
Felipe C. Barbosa
@seanellis @growthackers Hey! I created an account and I'm testing it. Seems pretty interesting to organize in one place all marketing ideas to test. I showed everyone the video explaining Growth Hackers Projects. Great job! :) I tried to send an email asking for the 45 day free trial but is not being delivered. Did someone else had this problem? Thanks!
Max Pelzner
I've been a huge evangelist of GrowthHackers since I first heard about them a few years ago. I've learned so much just from the community around different growth tactics, it's truly been invaluable! My question for @seanellis - is there any plan for a mobile/desktop app for Projects? Something similar to the "Paws for Trello" desktop app (https://www.producthunt.com/tech...)
Sean Ellis
@whoismaxpelzner Thanks Max, appreciate the support and enthusiasm! We definitely have plans for a mobile app. Haven't discussed a desktop app much at this point. Like any new product, there is a ton that we want to do, but only a few things we can do in the short term. @jasonmeresman can probably give better insights into our product roadmap priorities and I'm sure he'll have a question or two for you.
Max Pelzner
@seanellis thanks for the quick response! would love to get a crystal ball look into what you guys have on your product roadmap @jasonmeresman ;)
Jason Meresman
@whoismaxpelzner @seanellis Hi Max - We've had a few users ask for a mobile app and a standalone app for Mac. These are both on our roadmap. We already have a light-weight mobile version of the product so you can enter ideas and see your active experiments. Right now our priorities are deeper integrations with the software stack that growth teams are using (Optimizely, ESPs, Segment, Google Analytics, etc.), and publishing an API so experiments can be tied to the team's north star growth metric. Cc'ing @johnphamvan who can provide more details on the API. Keep the feedback and questions coming.
John Phamvan
@whoismaxpelzner As @jasonmeresman mentioned, we're looking and listening to where customers want to manage their growth. We're also prototyping a Zapier integration and a public REST API so that folks can tie GrowthHackers Projects into other apps. Lots of great things to come!
Brand Winnie
@johnphamvan @whoismaxpelzner @jasonmeresman I cannot wait for the API. It will be amazing to see what engineers can cook up once they have their hands on it.
Hiten Shah
How the hell did the likes of Facebook, Twitter, Dropbox, Airbnb, Uber, etc... grow so fast? They experimented - a lot - and continue to do so. Constant testing and doing it at a high tempo (>=3 tests/week) is as close to a silver bullet as it gets for growing a product. But even if you’re the Facebook growth team, you need an efficient way to manage collaboration and experimentation around your growth objectives. Thankfully my buddy Sean Ellis (the original Growth Hacker!) has been working on solving this problem. GrowthHackers Projects is built to manage your growth. The thing’s a friggin’ lab book for growth experiments! And bonus points to the them for making the workflow smooth. Also noteworthy is that Sean and his team are behind the GrowthHackers.com community. You can read up on the freshest ideas in the community and save them to test directly into your own Project. It's now the easiest way to manage the hard work that goes into growth!
James O'Sullivan
GrowthHackers! Pivot and go into video production, compete with HBO Silicon Valley! That was epic!!!
Anuj Adhiya
@james_osullivan Going to frame this comment! 🙌 cc @brandwinnie
Brand Winnie
@james_osullivan this is the best comment ever! THANK YOU!!!
Morgan Brown
Congrats guys -- we use the product everyday and it's instrumental to our success. Excited to see it come out of beta and help more high performance growth, marketing and product teams!
Sean Ellis
@morganb Thanks, we really appreciate your team's feedback during the beta. Incredibly important for driving the product evolution!
Anuj Adhiya
@morganb 🙌 🙏
Brand Winnie
@morganb Thanks for your support Morgan!
Malcolm Bell
I love this video, bravo. You crushed it.
Anuj Adhiya
@malcolmbell 🍻 🙏
Sean Ellis
@malcolmbell thanks Malcolm!
Malcolm Bell
@seanellis would love to know which production company (if any) and cost of the vid? DM me?
Sean Ellis
@malcolmbell We used Pocketbook.LA. Can't share the exact price but they were significantly less than Sandwich.
Malcolm Bell
@seanellis thanks :)
Bala S.
Great tool @seanellis @StevenPesavento - Still remember the intro to high tempo testing webinar last year
Anuj Adhiya
@leanux_bala That was a super webinar for sure. Did you attend the one from last month on building your growth model?
Sean Ellis
@leanux_bala thanks Bala. Really appreciate your early feedback.
Dennis Hettema
Great product! It brings together almost everything perfectly for me. The one thing I'm missing is Meistertask integration but maybe I could hack something together using Zapier/IFTTT? :)
Anuj Adhiya
@dhettema Cheers! I'm sure others from the team will chime in as well but your point is well taken. Projects doesn't exist in a vacuum. There are other business and operational workflows that tie in as well. We've recognized that and started with some of the most commonly used integrations that perhaps have a more direct impact on collaboration and getting tests out the door (namely Slack, Hipchat, JIRA, Pivotal Tracker & Optimizely). Others are already in the works and more will come. The goal is for Projects to be the central nervous system for your growth initiatives and should plug into any tool/process upstream or downstream that supports growth. Btw - if you do hack something together let us know (email me at info at growth hackers dot com).
Anuj Adhiya
@dhettema See @jasonmeresman's response to another Q that has some more detail on upcoming integrations: https://www.producthunt.com/tech...
Anuj Adhiya
@dhettema Just FYI a Zapier integration is already in the works: https://www.producthunt.com/tech...
Simon Sylvest Rasmussen
Oh finally your are here! :-) Looks very interesting. Been following you all the way back from before "Canvas".... Being head of growth at the startup studio Founders and working on growth across our 5 SaaS companies for the past 4 years I definitely feel the pain - there is no doubt that there is a need! 2 things that i have realised: - I think a lot of "education" is needed. That "understanding why" as Brian Balfour puts it is the most important part about growth hacking is not a given for everybody - The tool is only as good as the person applying it. As with any project management system it is absolutely key that info is 100% updated. In my work, even if we all know its the right thing to do, I find that the discipline can be very hard to incentivise. Just my feedback. What is your thoughts? For sharing - we are using this "homemade" tool http://growth.founders.as/fieldnote - and there is no doubt that integrations and automation could make it even better. Best of luck. Look forward to try it out
Sean Ellis
@simonsylvest thanks really good points. I agree with everything you wrote. All challenges we'll need to figure out to turn this into a good business.
Abhilash Jain
Wow, this is the best way to collaborate and execute growth strategies, awesome video btw :) I'm looking forward to trying it out. Thanks for making this guys @dathxmark @brandwinnie @glenrharper @javierfeldman @seanellis.
Anuj Adhiya
@iabhilashj Looking forward to having you give it a go. Clearly lots of growth opportunities in Indian fintech :)
Ty Magnin
I've been using GH Projects for a while now. It has truly streamlined my ideation, prioritization and measurement process from a broken system of spreadsheets to a much more fluid and efficient one. I keep projects as a pinned tab that's always open on my browser and enjoy tabbing in and out throughout the week. BIG BIG FAN.
Anuj Adhiya
@tymagnin You the man! We've been "forced" to keep Projects open in our browsers a bit more because of all the great testable ideas we've been able to extract from Appcues content. 👌😎
Rotem Yakir
Excellent product. Now I just need to get a growth team and I'm all set 😁
Anuj Adhiya
@rotemthegolfer Cheers!. You don't really need a dedicated growth team to get started. It's more about being systematic with the approach and just committing to the process - irrespective of whether you use Projects or not. Members and roles can become more formalized as you make progress and get into the habit of high tempo testing. This talk by @seanellis from last year really put that into perspective for me: https://growthhackers.com/videos...
Yaniv Goldenberg
Niceeeeeeeee! Love it!
Anuj Adhiya
@yanivgoldenberg Cheers (and thanks for sharing Hiten's comments on Twitter)!
Jarod Stewart
Just need a pricing page
Sean Ellis
@stewartjarod Sorry, a pricing page is one of the many things we working to get live. In the meantime it's $25/seat/month for Pro and $15/seat/month for our startup package.
Mark Anthony de Jesus
@stewartjarod thats definitely in the pipeline. Be interested to hear your feedback of the product (from a software engineer's pov :) )
Tyson Mutrux
Does this create any redundancies with Slack?
Sean Ellis
@tyson_mutrux Not really redundant with Slack. It integrates with Slack to notify the team about new ideas or live tests. But it's more organized around a testing process so easier to access the information you need, run filters to compare ideas, get a live feed of Optimizely results, communicate progress against objectives, etc. I think Slack plays an important role of keeping people engaged in the growth process, so they are complementary.
Germán Castaño
The tool looks awesome and the video is very fun and explains its value proposal very good. Nice work!
Anuj Adhiya
@germancastano Cheers! Will look forward to your feedback! 🍻
Lyle McKeany
I was able to beta test this for a previous project and it was good then and even better now. Great work @seanellis and team!
Sean Ellis
@lylemckeany Thanks Lyle! We've still got a lot more work to do, but proud of the work the team has done to get us to this point. Appreciate your feedback along the way!
João Paulo
Amazing video! :D
Sharif Khalladi
Congrats on the launch guys. Very interesting proposition, looking forward to testing the product. Oh, and the video... epic. Really well done.
Anuj Adhiya
@sharifkhalladi Looking forward to your feedback! 🍻