Greg Isenberg

Growth.Design Case Studies v2.0 - Product tips in a comic book format

43+ product case studies that show how to use psychology to create experiences that users love. Learn the top tactics (and mistakes) from companies like TikTok, Adobe and Amazon.

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Greg Isenberg
I'm hunting Growth Design V2.0 because I think it's remarkable way to learn product. I find myself flipping through these comic books with a smile on my face, while at the same time sending these learnings to my team. Excited to see the evolution of V2 today, and not surprised it's beautifully design.
Dan Benoni
@greg_isenberg really appreciated, thanks 🙏 Hey everyone, super excited to release this v2.0 update! We've been sharing free product tips in this comic book format for almost 4 years now. We do this because we believe the ethical use of psychology is key to creating better user experiences. We're a small team of 3 (including @louisxavierl and I) and we're approaching the 150,000 subscribers milestone, so we thought it'd be a good moment to release an update here on Product Hunt with some new stuff: • 30+ new case studies since 2019 • New redesigns and interactive quizzes • New filters + searchable database of our case studies • New milestone navigation to quickly find our best psychology tips Let us know what you think! Oh and two last questions for ProductHunters: • Q1. Would you be interested in the behind-the-scenes of our case studies? (how we build them, research) • Q2. How could we make our case studies more actionable for your daily work? P.S. we're bootstrapped and we never ran any paid ads. Our #1 focus is to make the content so good that you genuinely want to share it with colleagues and friends, hence the questions.
Šefik Mujkić
@greg_isenberg @louisxavierl @danbenoni Awesome updates, would definitely like to see some behind the scenes of how studies come together!!
Tom Cox
@danbenoni about question 1: heck YES, would love to see behind the scenes! Love all you folks are doing to bring entertainment, education, and art into product. Everyone can learn so much from your case studies. Thank you! 🤘
Daniel Bentes
@greg_isenberg @louisxavierl @danbenoni YES to Q1. I'm a bit uncertain about the Q2. Maybe asking for suggestions so people can submit their service/app to you and you can decide to do a case study or not on those submissions? (First one is free) :D
Dan Benoni
@tom_cox4 @sefik_mujkic @danielbentes Thank you so much, that's super kind 🙏 RE: 1 (behind-the-scenes): Got it! And which part would interest you most (creation, experiments, etc) and which format would you prefer? RE: 2 (improve actionability): I like the idea of suggestions. Just added a "email us a case study recommendation" in the case study listing when there's no result associated with a search, but you're right: we could be more proactive in collecting recommendations. Probably that an official voting system would be ideal!
Rohan Rashinkar
First of all thanks for the case studies, they are really helpful! Q1. Would you be interested in the behind-the-scenes of our case studies? (how we build them, research) -> Definitely, Yes.
Dan Benoni
@rohan_rashinkar Duly noted Rohan, thanks! We could maybe even share some of the growth experiments that we run and the learnings that we got from them?
@rohan_rashinkar And just out of curiosity, in what format you'd like to see the behind-the-scenes?
Rohan Rashinkar
@louisxavierl How did you identify the problem? How do you approach the problem? What hypotheses did you make? How did you conduct the experiments? What problems did you face during the whole process, from problem identification to solution suggestion? Basically, this will help us understand how you approach the growth problem and will help us improve our growth thinking.
Dan Benoni
@louisxavierl @rohan_rashinkar Makes a ton of sense! And to be sure, if you had to pick one, how would that "behind-the-scenes" content be formatted ideally for you: a) in slides (like our case studies) b) a longer-form blog post c) short email summary ?
Rohan Rashinkar
@louisxavierl @danbenoni My preference, Slides >> Blog >> Email Summary. Thank you for taking feedback!
flo merian
Launching soon!
Growth.Design is one of my favorite resources to benchmark user onboarding best practices, learn how to leverage human psy, and level up my skills as a marketer. It's insightful and fun to read. Keep up your great work, @danbenoni @louisxavierl 🙌
Dan Benoni
@louisxavierl @fmerian Thanks, there's more good stuff coming soon Florent 👏! Stay tuned. P.S. I'm curious, would you be interested by the idea shared in my Q1 question above (sharing our behind-the-scenes)?
flo merian
Launching soon!
@danbenoni Q1 — Why not. Q2 — I love your cheat sheets, and I'd love to have them in a format compatible with my tools. How about a Notion page instead of a Google doc? Also, I miss your bite-sized Gems. They were so insightful and actionable!
@danbenoni @fmerian Make sense! We're big Notion users too.
Launching soon!
I always enjoy reading the newsletters so giving this an upvote. There is obviously a lot of love that goes into it.
Dan Benoni
@dk3 Thanks man! Yeah each case study can take up to 120 hours to create, but we love the process. Any specific product you'd like us to cover next?
Launching soon!
@danbenoni well I'm biased because I just launched an app ( so perhaps some day that one. Until then, I think covering Discord would be great.
Dan Benoni
@dk3 Love the idea of Discord. It could make for an interesting real first-time experience because I've never used it 👀
Congratulation on the launch 🚀 thanks for incorporating art, education, and enjoyment within the offering. Your case studies have so much to teach everyone. Thanks a lot! I appreciate you creating this! It's useful because it tracks various product stages.
Dan Benoni
@daksh_bhardwaj we aim for that "edutainment" sweet spot. It's not always easy, but we do our best. Thanks Daksh!
Alex Goff
When I am asked how to think about product i always think of - that sounds scripted but genuinely isn't. I have recommended them so often! Love this!
Dan Benoni
@acgoff Honored Alex—we never ran ads so it's support like yours that helps us reach more people, thanks!
Shalini Nair Tekwani
ABSOLUTELY LOVE these case studies @danbenoni and @louisxavierl ! Thank you for creating such powerful content in a super simple consumable way! :)
Dan Benoni
@davidspinks @louisxavierl @shalini_nair_tekwani 👋 Very appreciated Shalini, thanks!
Benjamin Christine
Such an awesome resource! Been signed up to the newsletter for years and always learnt something new.
Dan Benoni
@benjieboo appreciated Ben! If you have a topic request for the next case study, I'm all ears 👂
Thanks a lot @benjieboo, we're thinking of running some sort of "Insider program" for our most loyal followers, where you'll be able to review and collaborate on the case studies before they get released. Would you be interested?
Paul Rusyn
Great job, guys! Your product will be helpful for Logolivery's newbies. Good luck 😉
Dan Benoni
@pavell2l glad to hear Pavel! Don't hesitate if you have any feedback or suggestions.
Nico Spijker
The website navigation is super smooth and looks fun and educational. Congratulations on your launch! 🚀
@nicolaas_spijker Thanks to our CTO @jfdontigny. The stack is super fast! I have a 10 years old laptop and it runs smooth.
Nico Spijker
@jfdontigny @louisxavierl Don't very often have such smooth interactions/nav! If you don't mind me asking, how'd you guys pull this off? Custom-coded website or just a very well-calibrated CMS? 👀
@jfdontigny @nicolaas_spijker All custom built on Next.js!
@nicolaas_spijker Many thanks! And good luck with @Rock
Elke Fleing
I know them for years, and I'm always stunned about those really helpful and entertaining case studies. Many things about conversions and UX I know I've learned here. And I enjoy the great design. All thumbs up!
Dan Benoni
@elke_fleing 🙏 this really means a lot… thanks Elke, happy to see that you still find this helpful!
Gaurav Goyal
Ah. This will come in very handy as we work on our UX. Thanks guys @danbenoni @louisxavierl
Dan Benoni
@louisxavierl @gauravgoyal_gg 🔥🦾 glad to hear Gaurav, don't hesitate if you have any feedback.
Dilan Laçin
I think the comic book format is pleasant. Congratulations on the launch!
Dan Benoni
@dilan_lacin Thanks Dilan! We try to make the content as approachable as possible so that people from different roles can be interested and brought closer (design, product, engineering, data, marketing, etc).
Mert Aktas
Top quality product growth content in a perfect format. I've been sharing all case studies with team members for a long time. We learned a lot from you guys, GL on the launch!
Dan Benoni
@mert_aktas you rock Mert, really appreciate that, thanks.
Dilpreet Singh
Love the design of the website. Congratulations on the launch.
Dan Benoni
@dilpreetsio Appreciated Dilpreet. We recently updated our tech stack and updated the design at the same time.
Nilay Jayswal
Loved it! Super creative and engaging. Great work team @danbenoni @louisxavierl <3
Dan Benoni
@louisxavierl @nilay1101 🤲 means a lot, thanks Nilay.
Marius Rebane
Awesome case studies! I'm subscribed and always read new ones when they come out.
Dan Benoni
@heavybagpro thanks Marius! We're looking for suggestions for the next product case study. Any special request?
Marius Rebane
@danbenoni I like onboarding case studies a lot. maybe some of the best grossing fitness apps?
Dan Benoni
@heavybagpro oh, just to be sure, have you seen our Strava fitness case study ?
Shreyanshi Gupta
This looks amazing, congratulations !
Matt Gray
The case studies on Growth Design is the most inspiring design experience I've seen in 20 years. I learn something new every week - the originality and passion are second to none. Do yourself a favor and check these guys out (and subscribe to their newsletter!). Keep crushing it!
20 years wow! That means a lot @matt_gray2. And out of curiosity, what would be a product that you'd like us to look at (for our next case study) ? Cheers
Brian Dean
I love Growth.Design. Their case studies are amazing. And 2.0 looks awesome!
@backlinko Thanks a lot Brian, there's a lot of work that goes into making the case studies even more friendly and accessible. And we're always looking at what you guys do for some inspiration!
Dan Benoni
@backlinko Huge thanks for your support Brian, you're an inspiration for me when it comes to high quality content.