Abdul Rehman

Where your favorite place to relax on weekends?

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I love spending time at the beach! Nothing beats the sound of waves and a good book in hand to recharge for the week ahead.
Jonathan Michael Blake
Love spending time in nature on weekends to recharge. Favorite spots are local hiking trails and parks for picnics. Also enjoy exploring new cafes or bookstores in town when the weather isn't great for being outdoors. The key is taking a break from screens and finding activities that let your mind wander!
Bilal Asif
I prefer staying home and just chill. :)
Nicolas Levandowsky
on a tennis court or a nice restaurant !
Launching soon!
Local coffee shop with laptop closed + hiking - gotta disconnect to stay fresh.
mike hasil
A coffee shop and some old school friends
Daniel Harrison
Definitely the beach for me - fresh ocean air and the sound of waves is so relaxing. When the weather is nice, I'll bring a good book and just unplug for hours. Hiking is great too though for staying active while clearing the mind. Having that balance of chill time and light exercise on weekends is ๐Ÿ”‘