
What is your favorite project management tool and Why?


If you don't see your favourite tool in the poll, please drop it in the comments.

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Stefani Kovachevska
This may not be a popular opinion lately, but Jira is still the most useful from my experience for Software Development and role-based projects with Agile. It keeps the standards high in terms of functionalities and integrations, although that is changing fast. Our team finds Shortcut much more useful, however, due to the cross-functional teams and responsibilities we have on our projects. It offers better flexibility to combine views with the use of filters, which eliminates board switching and improves the focus. The UX is also smooth. It's a relatively new tool, so the list of features and integrations could be longer.
Michael Silber
@stefani_kovachevska Agreed. A well configured JIRA account runs circles around a lot of other tools. However, the issue I've found is that often times the larger companies that tend to use JIRA don't hand over the reins of to the people actually using the tool or invest in teaching them to customize it
Stefani Kovachevska
@product_at_producthunt True, Jira requires management efforts and it's a shame that organizations fail to see its value due to the lack of time invested in onboarding.
Let me go first - it's Linear Linear is a delightful product. - 10x faster - Keyboard first design - Beautiful design aesthetics. - It's a perfect tool in terms of solving problems that sits between - Trello and JIRA.
James Paden
We use Basecamp and love it overall. Our biggest frustration is working with the big picture or cross-project management. What happens if we move a project? Is there room to squeeze in a new project in May? So....we're now working on something to solve our problems :)
Gage Peterson
@jamespaden looks pretty cool! Kind of reminds me of Linear's project graphs.
James Paden
@gage_peterson Yah, very similar except for across all the scheduled projects!
Abhi S
From those I've tried: Linear is fantastic. Super fast, slick and great UX. Trello isn't good when the number of projects isn't too high, otherwise gets a bit messy. Asana is great for QA and threads, but can be a bit overwhelming at times.
Johannes Karjula
Trello is very popular in Finland that it is often chosen because it is already familiar to those participating in the projects.
Trello is the simplest for me to use 😀
Nikita Kukreja
I've tried ClickUp and Basecamp and they're both good! Heard from my current colleagues that Linear is amazing :)
David Mungai
Trello, it's really easy to use and works great with a team
Valeria Migova
I love to use Weje. It is an all-in-one workspace where you can write, plan, collaborate and get organized.
Shreya R Nambiar
I have not tried many, but Trello remains my favourite. However, I am willing to try something new.
Roman Vorozhtsov
I use trello. I just haven't tried others
Anastacia Checkletsova
Why isn't there Favro?)
I need a program to manage projects that focus on content creation. Can you suggest a good software, which will be convenient to manage creative projects.
Demian Dex
@godrik45245632 Few software programs focus specifically on the work of creative groups. But they do exist. The alternative is Trello, but that's if you have programmers. If you are only engaged in video content or animation, then the best option for you is this creative management software It's convenient to assign a person responsible for each stage, monitor the work, to create a pipeline.
@godrik45245632 Try Linear - it is simple and intuitive
Pavel Kukhnavets
I vote for GanttPRO. The tool offers a rich set of competitive features: Helpful features: intuitive Gantt charts, cost and budget management, handy reporting and time tracking, capability to export projects (to pdf, png, and Excel formats). It is a good fit for freelancers and remote workers.