Hey Sharath, Slyk.io is an awesome tool for building your community by rewarding members with your own coin for helping you grow. Members can redeem their $SHARATH coin (for example!) for collab opportunities with you, early access to your product, for supporting your launch on PH, or sharing on web2 platforms. They can also redeem the coin to join your coin-gated community on Discord, Slack, etc.
DM me if you want to chat more! 😊
Hi! Good question:)
At forYou(a mobile app for 360° skincare routine) We use Telegram, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube.
In our communities, we hold giveaways and shoot a lot of useful content on the topic of skin care.
We also promote subscriptions to our communities in the app itself. We promote in-app sharing and give them the opportunity to watch the whole story after sharing
We also involve our evangelists in the development of the app. We have an in-app translation department and our users are actively translating the app into new languages:) They really like being involved in the product and being able to influence it.
It's been Slack and primarily for ease of use and quick scaling. It's easy to get conversation started and that's honestly sometimes good enough to get a community going. Barrier to entry seems very low for even the lightest tech users.
NVSTly: Social Investing
forYou Mobile App
Trying to Product
AI Link Manager