David Tedaldi

Inspire Everyone: What's the hardest [to date 🤣] time you successfully went through?

I'll start with one of mine, possibly a bit controversial, as the success we are talking about materialised in giving up on an idea that wasn't going anywhere. A few years back, along with my current co-founder at Morgen.so, we were toying around with (you gessed it) a dieting app! It's been thrilling, and exciting, but after months we were getting nowhere, the product was great, but we realised not even us were power users, so after making a very thourough pass on all we have done up to that point we decided to terminate the project. Sometimes, success doesn't materialize in traditional ways, sometimes, it's just a matter of being able to move on, freeing your mind and tim for what's next! What's your story?

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Raul Silverstone
Possibly the hardest for me it's been having to let a part of the team go. The hardest part of it, it's that this was exclusively due to financial condition (COVID), and those that I had to let go really did a great job before then... eventually, as things proved, that was the right choice, as this allowed to continue running the business, and things eventually got better, to the point we could even re-hire 2 of the 7 people we had to let go.
Carlos Ruiz Morales
Great story @david_tedaldi1! Thanks for sharing this, tbh, this one is a weakness of mine, I am not always able to call sunken costs, and move on!
David Tedaldi
@carlos_ruiz_morales Thanks! Any story to share on your end? :)