How to keep Work-Life balance before launching on Product Hunt? Cat therapy and not only
Hello, Product Hunt friends!
Perhaps it would be more correct to ask: "Is it possible to keep this balance?"
Today, we've launched our platform for working with your data in the cloud efficiently and reliably đŸ¥³
This is the first launch on Product Hunt for our team. And for me, as a young marketer, this is also the first experience on this site. Many people advise preparing for the launch a month or two in advance. You have to do everything: prepare text and visual materials, communicate with the community, prepare social networks, negotiate with the hunter (and again we thank Ben @benln for hunting our project)!
But, for some reason, none of the guides talk about life hacks that help reduce the degree of moral pressure during the launch… The constant use of messengers, social networks and gadgets increases the risk of technostress, which is accompanied by anxiety, irritation, and the feeling that you do not have time to answer someone.
I think this time I started thinking about Work-Life balance only in the last week before the launch.
I hope my notes will remind some of you how important it is to find a balance between productivity and sleep :))
1. Divide launch responsibilities within the team, don't lock everything on one person. In addition, the launches are very uniting :)
2. Limit the number of tasks per day. For this, we can recall the advice of the American military figure Dwight D. Eisenhower. When you assign tasks, ask yourself two questions: Is this task important? Is this task urgent?
3. Set a time frame. Follow the rule not to enter work chats about the launch, for example, after 7 PM (it is better to spend this time with loved ones or your pet) and check mail only twice a day at certain hours;
4. Get rid of perfectionism. This doesn't mean you can afford to make a bad launch, but you shouldn't constantly regret that you could have done something better.
It seems to be simple, but we still forget about it during such important projects as launching on Product Hunt. And while our launch is underway, I would like to ask if you have any effective methods for preparing for a launch comfortably?
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